10. Feelings

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I never thought I'd think this over , whether or not to accept his feelings, but I knew this isn't right , it felt wrong and for the smallest of reasons.

"If you had come a little earlier I would have said yes " I smile with teary eyes .

"But even if we ended up together I'd know later on that it was wrong " I continue .

"I'm sorry luke .. I like someone else " I finish.

He stays quite for awhile and then slowly asks .
"Is it.. neo?"

"Yes but I'm not going to act upon it because he doesn't feel the same and there's Emily too , it's complicated " I conclude.

"Did he verbally say that he doesn't like you and likes Emily ?" He questions.

"No " I puzzle.

"Then you still don't know " he answers.

"Can I help you ?" He offers.

"No Luke I can't do this to you " I reject.

"I'm telling you that I want to , and besides it will buy me some time to try and change your mind" he pleads.

"You've helped me through lots of things , I think it's my time to repay you back even if it hurts me " he explains.

"You really are the perfect man aren't you? " I laugh.

"Yes that's why I can't believe you're giving me away" he jokes.

"Oh luke " I sigh .
I hug him closely and he hugs me back . But when I was about to let go he hugged me again not wanting to let go.

"Stay put , neo is coming " he whispers to my ear.

"Wait how are going to do this again?" I whisper back.

"Make him jealous and if we succeed then he does like and then there will be only one problem left which is Emily, got it?" He hurriedly says.

"Yeah understood " I chuckle.

"So I'll see you tomorrow around 10pm okay? " Luke announces and let go of me and gives me a kiss on my cheek.

I turn around and I saw neo .
"Neo what are you doing here ?" Luke comments .

"I came to give your umbrella back " he bluntly says while staring at me not facing Luke.

"Thank you " Luke says taking it from him.

"Would you like to accompany us ?" He questions .

"you and Emily tomorrow to dinner ?" He continues and snakes his arm around my waist and his eyes follow his arm.

"Sure why not " he shortly replies.

"Perfect then " Luke confirms .

"I'm going to head in , I'll see you guys tomorrow " I speak and get inside .

"Sure " Luke mentions.

I get inside and took a breath out .
Wow I think this will be harder than I thought.
I climb up to my room seeing that mom and Theo were still outside .
It was still early around 9pm . I changed into my pjs and climbed to bed.

Next day while walking to the bookstore , Neo wasn't there to accompany I already found him waiting by the bookstore door.
"why didn't you wait for me?  " I question.

" I don't have to do that do I ?  " he comments .
I open the door and enter.

"No you don't " I reply confused .

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