17. Trick Or treat

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The love I have for him was so strong that I was ready to express it through every way possible just to prove to him how much he means to me.
I love Neo and I've been wanting to say it for so long now. I've never been so sure of something in my life like how I'm sure about my love for him.

He takes me inside then he heads to the couch and he was on top of me. He kisses my lips passionately and kept his hand on both sides of my hips .
"Did you forget that you promised to celebrate after my first day?" He says and kisses my neck.

"We're already celebrating now don't you like it?" I tease and sit up wrapping my legs around his waist.

"Love it " he grins and brings his mouth back to mine again.

"I love you" I whisper between the kisses .
He pulls away surprised and holds my face in one hand .
He stays silent still in shock like he didn't believe it.
"I do , and I know we've been together for almost 3 months now "

"But No one will ever make me feel like how you make me feel. my heart is yours ,you marked on it Neo , it lives for the neon lights you radiate " I laugh .

"Athena I love you too oh god you've no idea how much I love you" he smiles so genuinely like he was scared to lose me.
I give him a peck on the lips and place my forehead on his , I try to take off his shirt but he holds my hand.

"What?" I ask gently.

"Not now " he replies.

"Oh ..you don't want to?" I nervously laugh and take a seat back.

He places me back where I was and speaks "no no I want to I really .. really do " he groans.

"I just want to make it special " he finishes.

"Oh come on I don't mind , did you do this with all your previous girlfriends ?" I huff.

"No I didn't .. when I had the chance to I did right away because each time I couldn't wait .. but this time I want to make it worth the wait " he explains and gives me kisses all over my face .

"Why are you so sweet!" I cry and hug him.

"I'll make love to you right now if you call me sweet again. " he warns.

"Sweeet neo Princeton .. do you realize that your last name has the word prince in it?" I say surprised .

"Yeah I kind of noticed " he chuckles.

"See you're a prince in real life " I wink.

"But apparently I'm not a prince in your Disney movie " he says.

"Oh my god you're still hung up on that?" I laugh.

"I'll go and take a cold shower " he glares and left me alone.

I headed home after neo left to take a shower. I opened the door and saw mom and Theo sitting in the living room.
"What's up Wilson's ?" I announce and take a seat on the chair between them.

"Athena dear how was your day? " mom asks.

"Perfect mom how was yours ?" I ask .

"Oh well it was good .. but nothing compared to Theo ,he got himself a girlfriend " mom laughs.

"Are you serious? Was she the one you told me about?" I ask and turn to sit in front of Theo.

"Yeah " he replies shyly .

"My god I'm so excited, when are you going to bring her over ?" I tease .

"Well I don't have to tell you that " he rejects and climbs the stairs to go to his room.

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