13. A Romantic Kiss

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When it comes to my love life , I've fantasized a lot about every aspect of it. Starting from the guy to the places we will get to go with each other , which will lead us to the one night that I will experience love using body language.
And then the rest will be the beginning of the story , to where we will find and discover our ugly sides and still love one another nevertheless.

I blink a couple of times and get off of him . He sits by my side waiting for an answer.
"I-I don't have any secret wishes " I stutter and play with the hem of my pullover.

"I didn't mean you peeping Tom .. I meant mrs Amelia Peterson here " he explains as he reads the name of the main character from the short brief that was at the back of the book.

"Oh ..well she was a Uhm an unmarried 30 year old woman and Uhm she writes in her diary to rent about her frustrations and fantasies and you know her -" I stop mid sentence when The door opened revealing Theo.

"Theo! My little brother whom I dearly love " I exclaim and went to hug him thankfully for coming in the right moment.

"What's wrong with you dude?" He questions worriedly.

"Theo I thought we were on the same team!" Neo sighs and gets up approaching him.

"We are neo !" He defends not knowing what he did wrong.

"Have fun neo " I smirk and guide them outside of my room.

"This isn't over , I'll know about her and your secrets soon " he challenges .

"I don't know what happened here but I've got some secrets to tell about Athena to reattach our team's strings " Theo interferes.

"That would be lovely Theo I knew that I chose the right team" neo announces and goes downstairs with him putting his arm around his shoulder.

"Hey! Theo don't you dare " I yell.

"I'll think about it" Theo comments .

I close the door in anger and went to lay on my bed to relax.
Oh god why didn't I get rid of that damn book. But it's still a good book . I just have to make a secret place for these kinds of books.

Neo and Theo played for what seemed like eternity, but I weirdly enjoyed it. Seeing different kinds of reactions on their faces was so much fun.
The frustrations and the victory sounds were so amazing coming from them. I figured by the end it would be perfect if I had some popcorn with me.
Soon the night ended , mom and Theo said their goodbyes and I was with neo sitting on the porch of the house.

"That was fun " I smile and put my head on his shoulder.

"It would be complete if you told me about those wishes " he jokes and I punch him in his arm.

"Ugh winter is so nice " I announce and breathe in the cold air.

"I wish my birthday was in winter " I continue.

"When is your birthday?" I ask.

"It's on October 31st " he replies .

"It's on Halloween !" I excitedly say.

"That's so cool " I continue.

"Why is that?" He chuckles.

"Because you're born on the day where interesting things happen " I explain.

"Interesting? You mean being pranked by little kids and staying at home to avoid any contact with pumpkins ?" He objects.

"No " I laugh.

"But it's fun , you get to wear costumes to fight all the bad and evil spirits " I think.

"I don't need a costume to scare bad spirits " he debates confidently .

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