22. Stop Running And Settle down

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Love can make us do things we never thought that we can do. All for the sake of your lover's happiness or sake.
They can call it the calm before the storm but I see it as a misunderstanding and when Neo comes here , I can explain to him what happened clearly and everything will be okay.
That's what I hoped for at least.
I sigh and put my phone in the bag after taking it from Mr. Ethan.

"Let's go to the book event " I announce.

"Are you sure ? We can reschedule " he claims.

"No no rescheduling I want to do it today , I can do it " I say motivating myself.

"Okay Miss athena " he replies and takes my hand so I can support myself.

An hour later we arrived at the venue . Mr. Ethan was very supportive and helpful I was filled with gratitude to him , I really am lucky for having such a good manager by my side.
We enter the hall and I take a glimpse inside of the room . Everyone was waiting and the kids were already beaming with anticipation . They were curious about the scenes in front of them.
I take a breath out and fix myself properly .

"Miss athena you should go in now " Mr Ethan informs .

" let's do this " I smile .

The doors opened and I enter the room. The kids were smiling knowing that the show was about to start.
I was looking forward to see their reactions .
I take a seat on my chair and open the book getting ready to read once I receive the signal from the art director.
The music started whilst the lights changed its colors . Once I started to read everything else faded the pain in my ankle, My worries about Neo , everything was okay.
I heard the kids comments and responses . Words like woah , wow , or even happy squeaky noises they did whenever something surprises them. 
Everything went according to plan and the kids were more than pleased.

"Even if I'm feeling blue I can be as beautiful as the blue sky in the morning, even if I'm feeling red I can be as lovely as roses , so I'll remember that I need to feel all these colors to shine happily in the end " I narrate finishing the last sentence in the book.

I can hear claps and cheers from the whole room. I stand up and bow In front of them in appreciation.
"I'd like to thank everyone who helped me make this book happen , first my little fans I owe this success to you" I smile and send small kisses to them.

"I'd like to thank the directors and organizers who helped this storytelling stand out uniquely " I say acknowledging their hard work.

"And lastly my family and my friends and my boyfriend neo who believed in me since day one " I finish realizing that he came . He was standing there mad and relieved at the same time.

I started talking with the kids and with  the sponsors after the show ended . I left everything else for Mr. Ethan to handle and take care of.
"You did a memorable storytelling today miss athena, I'm sure back home everyone must be very proud of you " he notifies .

"Thank you mr. Ethan I wouldn't have done it without you " I smile thankfully.

I excuse myself and got out of the venue to see where was neo. He was sitting outside in one of the waiting couches in the hall. His face was in his hands , he looked so defeated.
I approach him slowly waiting to see his mood.

"Neo?"  I call.

He looks up punctually and stands in front  of me  . "What happened?" He begins.

"It was nothing serious I-"

"Nothing serious? Are you fucking kidding me right now? You were in a hospital athena!" He interrupts.

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