18. Timeline Traveler

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I've always fancied adventures and romantic novels even if it was a romantic comedy or a romantic fantasy, However I never actually thought I'd experience a real one.
"What do you mean timeline traveler ?" I ask in disbelief.

"Can we talk outside please? " he sighs.

I agreed and followed him to the rooftop. The rooftop was empty there was just a swinging bench which we sat on. I kept listening until he finishes. He waits for me to say something.

"I- wow so you're not from this world?" I say in shock.

"I am from earth Athena " he laughs .

"But I'm just from a different timeline. timelines are different and alternate possibilities of this life" he explains.

"So where is this place you call center of the earth ?" I ask curiously.

"It's in New York " he answers.

"Can we go there ?" I ask.

"No .. it's dangerous for you" he worriedly replies.

"You know what's the most different thing here that annoys me ? " he begins.

"Yeah what is it?" I ask eagerly.

"Michael Jackson here is not famous, I loved his music back then " he explains.

"Didn't you bring any CD's or songs saved on an iPod or on your mobile?" I ask.

"I did yeah but he's such an icon it saddens me that he's not an icon here " he concludes.

"I understand yeah " I agree.

"But is this place found in every timeline?"

"Yes and in the same location but there was one timeline where NASA properties took control of it and when I appeared there , they were so freaked out. They thought I was an outsider " neo chuckles.

"That's so cool neo!" I say in excitement . I never actually thought i would be like that but I actually am fascinated by what he told me not scared .

"Are you sure? You're not bothered by the reason why I started timeline traveling?" He hesitates.

"Was the original athena different than me?" I ask hesitantly.

"Yes each one I met was different than you , there was the police officer Athena who was pretty rough , there was the teacher Athena who all students loved , Uhm there was Athena the emo she was really cute " he goes on.

"Wow i really want to meet them " I interrupt  still in awe.

"I've seen you through different timelines and in each one you never failed to amaze me" he concludes.

"I'm just a little jealous how am I special from all of the other athenas?" I say insecure.

"You don't realize it do you?"he questions and continues because of my puzzled face.

"Athena I kept traveling to other different timelines just because I felt incomplete I was still missing a piece. I was lost , I didn't have a family It was never enough, but they all leaded me to you and I'm complete when I'm with you. Now I won't be traveling anymore even if you leave me because You reminded me again of what home feels like and I don't want anyone except you" he finishes and holds both of hands as a sign of  confirmation.

"I really can't say anything after what you said" I smile with tears in my eyes.

"But Uhm what happened why did the other Athena's leave you?" I ask .

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