14. Prince Charming

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He leans in towards me as he takes his free hand and put it behind my neck while the other was still holding my hand.
He remains still while standing in front of me silently . There was Just the sound of our breaths and the excitement that was in our chests anticipating what was coming next.
He leaned in and kissed me slowly like he was repeating what he said previously using his lips .

I held on to his coat with my hands tightly.
His kiss was gentle showing how love can be so soft and secure.
He pulls away and I smile while looking into his eyes .
"I like you so much " I pronounce.

"Believe me Not more than I do " he chuckles.

Neo and I closed the bookstore early today because of the rain .
We walked under one umbrella and took our time to enjoy walking in the rain.
It was peaceful and it made me feel content.

"So I was thinking tomorrow morning we can go and take some pictures of you so we can start searching for a job " I announce.

"Okay how about 9 AM ?" He asks.

"Yeah good it's better to begin early " I agree.

We reach my house and I run to the porch after saying goodbye to neo .
I take a look behind me and he was still standing there.
"Get inside !" I laugh.

"I want to see you get in first " he comments.

"Neo what are you trying to do ?" I ask suspiciously.

"I'm trying to be romantic under the rain " he mentions.

"I'm warning you if you catch a cold you won't be getting any romantic kisses from me" I joke.

" you're mean " he says and acts as if I hurt him.

"No I choose your health over some romantic move that won't do me any good " I reply.
I run to him again under the umbrella and stand in front of him on my tiptoes .

"Besides you don't need rain to be romantic you already are without the help of anything " I chuckle and give him a peck on his lips.
He blushes and clears his voice "okay I'm going inside "

"Oh wait you're blushing!" I exclaim and poke his cheek.

"No im not ! I'm just cold " he rejects and shifts his eyes to stare at something else .

"Okay okay get inside " I laugh.

I ran again to the porch and unlock the door after waving him goodbye and seeing him leave .
I get inside and approach mom who was in the kitchen.
"Hey mom " I greet and hug her back.

"Athena you're back early " she says surprised.

"Yeah there were no customers because of the rain " I answer and place my head on her shoulder.

"It's good that you came here before the weather gets worse" she mentions.

"Yeah " I agree and sit on the table while mom prepares dinner.

"Mom do you know a good photographer who can take a couple of good pictures? " I ask .

"Oh yes Reese's husband is a good photographer , he even has a photography studio" mom says.

"Mrs Reese the English teacher ?" I question.

"Yes But why ?"mom asks and sits on the table in front of me .

"Neo need to take a couple of pics so he can apply for a modeling agency  " I explain.

"Was he serious about the modeling? " mom smiles referring to the little show he pulled previously.

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