7. Rollercoaster

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Merciless .
Is the best word to describe my period .
It's the worst thing ever when it comes to me.
Cramps, Nausea , PAIN PAIN AND PAIN.
And don't get me started on how an emotional mess i become .
And who got to see all of the previously stated for the first time?
It was Neo.

"What do you mean? Tell me what to do" he anxiously says.

"Just take me home please " I weakly say.

"Okay" he agrees.
He picks me up easily bridal style and rushed to my house.
I kept ringing the doorbell numerously and I find Theodore annoyed.
"What took you so long !" I yell.

"Is it that time of the month?" He asks and his face turns white.

"Yes! " I howl.

"Oh Neo how are you dear " Mom comes from downstairs.

"I'm fine ma'am " neo greets .

"Your daughter is the One who's not fine mom!" I cry.
I get down from neo's arms and ran to my room.
I closed the door and threw myself at the bed.
I hold my stomach tightly wanting the pain to go away.

After awhile the pain lessened a bit but it was still unbearable .
My back was towards the door when it opened .
"Go away " I mumble.

"It's me " neo says as he takes a seat next to me.
I turn around and sit up next to him.

"Neo hi I'm sorry about before " I cry and rest my head on his shoulder.
He caress my hair as he was speaking.

"No it's fine just get some rest . I just came to check up on you "

"You're amazing thank you " I whisper and hold his arm as I drift off to sleep finally because the pain was gradually going away and I was so tired.
He stopped caressing my hair and then I felt his finger tracing my nose then my lips.
"I can't stand this anymore "
Was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

The next morning I opened my eyes and it was around noon.
I get up feeling a lot better than yesterday.
I walk towards my dressing table and looked at myself in the mirror.
God what a mess.
I take a hair tie and braided my hair.
Then my phone started to ring . It was Luke.
"Hey" I say happily.

"Morning beautiful , how are you?"

"Oh I'm on my period and it just sucks " I groan.

"Oh .. so are we still up for tonight? " he questions.

"Yeah I think " I reply.

" okay then get well soon " he speaks.

"Thanks " I say and hang up the phone.

"Morning "
I look beside me and it was neo.
"Hi " I smile .

"Meet me downstairs " he says.

I grabbed a jacket on and went out of the house to see him.
He was sitting on the porch waiting for me.
I sat beside him and put my head on his shoulder.
"I hate to say this but I miss your noisy talkative self " he chuckles.

"Shut up" I smile.

"Here take this" he says handing me a plastic bag filled with sweets.

"Oh my god "

"I figured you'd need them"

"Yeah I do " I cry.

"No no I'll take them back if you cry" he warns.

"No it's just you're so kind I want a boyfriend who's kind like you" I sulk.

"What about Luke? "He asks surprised.

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