9. Lottery Ticket

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I stay in bed not wanting to get up . I heard voices downstairs indicating that Theo and mom are awake. The door opens revealing Theo , he sneaks in and goes to my dressing table.
"What are you doing?" I question and throw one of the pillows at him.

"You're awake ?" He says and jumps in his place startled.

"Yeah .." I say and scratch my head.

"Just take the Vaseline and get going " I chuckle.

"Hey, my lips are chapped and this is considered like a medicine for lips" he defends himself .

"Okay I believe you Theo " I laugh and watch him get outside after he knew I was messing with him.
I was not in the mood today to do anything so I decided to stay home and have the day for myself .

I opened the Tv after making breakfast and opened Netflix and watched the new series that was launched called dash and lilly.
I watched all the episodes non stop while eating cookies. I reached to the last episode but I was out of cookies .
So I decided to take a break and went to the supermarket to get some.
I was in a break up state and I didn't know why but I was enjoying it somehow , nothing is better than Netflix.

When I arrived there I took a shopping bag and bought other stuff next to the cookies box because they were tempting not to get.
As I approach the cashier to pay , I hear neo's voice somewhere in the supermarket.
I immediately let go of the stuff I was going to take and I even didn't wait for the change.

"Miss ? You left Your groceries !" The man calls after me but I just leave hurriedly .

I don't want to face him now after he cleared up the misunderstanding .
I was still not ready .
I had to tame my feelings for Emily and for my sake.
I unlock the door to my home and sigh as I put my coat on the racks.
The door bell rang a second later which surprised me . I look through the door's magic eye and it was Neo.

"Oh god " I whisper and cover my mouth from speaking.


"I know you're in there you were just at the supermarket " he continues .

I remain quite so he can go away and think that I slept or in the bathroom or anything.
"Okay then so you don't want the rest of your money ?" He questions.

"Nor even your cookies?" He continues.
I open the door and reached to take the box of cookies from his hand.
He lifts it up high for me to take .
"I can't believe you care about the cookies more than your money " he laughs.

"Just give them back " I angrily say and jump to take them.
He enters the house and went inside leaving me at the door.
I sigh and closed the door after me.

He sits in the couch and noticed what I was watching.
"Lilly and dash?" He chuckles.

"It's such a good series , so don't you dare comment on it " I warn and sit next to him.

"Why were you ignoring me " he begins .

"I wasn't ignoring you " I laugh.

"I just wanted to spend the day by myself and you ruined it" I explain.

"Okay let's watch the last episode " he announces.

I accept the fact that he wasn't going to leave and resumed the episode.
The episode was about 22 minutes but it felt like it was moving so slowly .
The episode ended and I didn't focus not even a minute. I only focused on how close we were sitting next to each other .
"Do you believe in a happy ever after? I ask and Opened the box of cookies.

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