8. As little As A Pea

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Hidden feelings are the saddest and most painful feelings ever but it's still beautiful in some way because when they appear in someone's eyes in a moment it can be the most powerful thing ever.

I take a step back from him still in a daze from what just happened.
"Athena .." he begins his voice was raspy and his lips were still red from all the kissing.

"I have to go " I admit.

I head back to the house quickly. After Knocking some sense into my numb legs.
When I enter I slide down on the floor , still can't believe what just happened and what I did . Oh my god I enjoyed the kiss and even kissed him back.
What was I thinking?

I mess my hair because of how stupid I was. He's a bad boy he's used to all of this . He can never have a friend who's a girl and not want to do something with her. I was the stupid one for being one of those victims.
"How I'm going to face him tomorrow at the bookstore ! " I cry.

"Shit you scared me , you look like you just got out of the jungle " Theo scolds after noticing my position.

"What did you do this time?" He asks and takes a seat beside me.

"I messed up .. bad " I sigh and put my head on his shoulder.

"You'll fix it athena ,you always do ." He encourages.

"But I'll make a complete fool out of myself " I object.

"Then be the best fool ever " he chuckles.
I pause and look at him with a glare and try to push him from my side.

"All I'm saying is just do what you always do and be good at it but with a limit too because people will really think that you're a pure fool" he laughs.

"I don't understand what you're saying but I think half of it is useful and the other half is you're just making fun of me" I speak and he laughs.

"Dear god what are you two doing here ?" Mom shrieks.

"Talking about fools want to join us mom?" I ask.

"Yes why not let's hear your discussions " mom answers and joins us in our little circle.

"So tell us what happened " Theo begins and focuses .

"Neo our neighbor what do you think of him?" I question.

"He's a cool dude "Theo admits.

"Decent guy I must say " mom continues .

"He kissed me today and I kissed him back" I confess.

"You what!" Theo exclaims and chuckles.

"Oh this is good I better get some popcorn " he laughs.

"Theodore Wilson stay put " Mom declares.

"You're no fun Melisa " he responds calling mom by her first name.

"Dear and you think it's a bad thing?" Mom continues.

"I don't know .. yes? I mean he's not my type a complete bad boy and I like Luke " I admit.

"So what he's not your type , most people fall with unexpected people all the time " Theo comments .

"Yes and he's not that bad honey if you think about it he's done nothing but being helpful to you" mom concludes.

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