26. Home Neo's (POV)

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4 Months Later
Waking up next to her will be always new to me. Since she moved in , fuck no since she declared that she loved me too.
I climb out of bed to take the pills before she wakes up and get inside the covers again. She was so close at finding out last time.
I turn around and see her snoring a little with her now dip dyed rose gold hair sprawled next to her. I chuckle and watch her while sleeping.

She starts to open her eyes and I immediately closed mine.
"Neo " she says with a raspy voice and sits up.

"Neo wake up it's today " she yawns and sits on top of me facing me.

"Ugh I'm so sleepy too , I guess five more minutes won't do any harm" she trails off and sleeps on my chest.
I smile because she fell for it again. I take it as a chance and turn her over on the bed so I'm on top of her .

"I told you the five minute rule is a scam " I speak pinning her hands beside her on the bed.

"You're awake?" She huffs making her bangs show her forehead .

"Yeah I am what's new " I tease and she rolls her eyes.

"By the way the five more minutes actually differ " she objects .

"It differs because they turn into five fucking hours " I chuckle .

"T-That's not true " she says not looking at me.

"Do you really want to talk about how you missed the meeting-"

"Okay fine " she interrupts with her hand on my mouth.

"That's more like it " I conclude .

"Goodmorning baby" I chuckle and kiss her lips . She kisses me back and how that simple thing just turns me on. I pin both of her hands on the bed and intertwine my fingers with her .
She moans and I get excited . Pleasing her was the most satisfying thing to me. I deepen the kiss and she wraps her legs around my waist .
I pull away and kiss her neck while I let go of her hands which are now in my hair tugging lightly.
"Neo" she breathes out in refusal.

"Five more minutes baby"  I whisper and slide my hand to caress her stomach.

"Neo " she calls out again.

"Yeah? " I answer and face her.

"I think that's your five minute scam " she laughs. .

"No it's not  , I wasn't even going to" I hesitate damn she sees through me.

"Oh really? Then how about the time when ut was your mom's birthday and we-"

"Okay fine I admit that's my five minute scam" I declare.

She sits up now awake and wraps her arms around my neck . "That's more like it , Goodmorning baby" she imitates me from earlier and kisses my lips then goes to the bathroom.
Damn it how did she turn this on me?

Today was the release of her second book. She couldn't be more happy and she always needed acknowledgement to make sure that it's real and that it's happening.
She slowly opens the bathroom door showing her face and then says "Neo Am I really going to publish the second book?"
"Yes baby and we're going to celebrate it's release in a couple of hours " I confirm. She smiles and then closes the door.
And that was an example for what I was saying .

I headed to the closet and picked out a suit to wear . I was doing my tie when she came out .
She stood next to me choosing what to wear when she knows that she'll pick out what she bought yesterday even when she said that she's not that convinced with it.
She takes the dress she bought yesterday out and I mentally high five myself.

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