3. Beautiful Moon

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I've been always curious about names and what do they mean. I've always thought that what they mean relates to who you are in life.
Besides it's fun to know more about your title origins.
We sat on one of the tables in the bookstore and i made coffee for both of us.
Emily had to take off because she had to take her mom from the airport.

"Wow " I comment .
I clear my voice and ask him further "so are you good with children?"

"Yes I am "

"Do you like to read books?"

"Yes I do " he says in a monotone.

"Why do you want this job? Tell me three good reasons why and you have to convince me" I state .
He narrowed his eyes and sighed after thinking wisely for a few minutes.

"One , I'm very patient so I can work under pressure "

"Two, I need a job and this is the nearest place to my house "

"And three .. " he takes a breath out and looks at me after relaxing his arms on the table.

"I love bookstores , only they can unfold my beginning , middle and end " he comments.
I blink a couple of times feeling familiar with his words.

"You're in , congratulations you got the job " I smile because he earned it as I give him my hand to shake.

He shakes it proudly."thank you "

"Okay so I open everyday except for Friday's  and Sunday's . You need to be here at 4pm sharp and we close at 10 pm" I explain.

"On Tuesday's and Monday's there will be activities for kids like acting a story or reading a book for all or drawing pictures after they read a book " I further elaborate.

"Okay sounds good " he replies.

"Okay "

I say behind the cashier and got ready for work.
"Good evening Athena !" Miles welcomed as he runs to me.

"Well hello there little guy , did you finish the ninja student?" I ask and pick him up in my arms.

"Yes I did , it's so cool . I want to be a ninja like him " he excitedly comments.

"Well you can by learning some new cool ninja skills " I think out loud with him.

"That's a good idea! " he exclaims.

"Hello Athena " miles dad comes in greeting .

"H-hi  Luke " I stutter and approach him with miles' hand in mine.

"I'm sorry to bother you again but miles loves the books here " he continues.

"Only the books ? I'm heartbroken " I pout and look at miles.

"Can I help you?" Neo interrupts.

"Oh neo help miles to the mystery section and suggest him a good book" I explain.

"Follow me " he smiles and walks with miles to the section.

"You hired someone ?"  Luke asks surprised .

"Oh yeah I needed someone to help me " I explain.

"That's good to know " he replies.

"So Uhm how's the shared custody going? "

"It's better than I expected " he chuckles.

"Of course it is and don't worry if you need me I'll be here " I assure him.

"I know you'll be, like you've been always  " he smiles and puts a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Haha dude yes , just because you're an amazing person.. wow it's hot in here " I exclaim and tie my hair up in a pony tail.
Then I Noticed neo and miles coming back.

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