24. He's Missing

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Waking up next to him was a whole lot different than seeing him the first thing when I open the door of my house .
He's next to me and I don't want anything except just to be next to him and listen to his dreams and admire him.

The next morning came waking us up .He turned over to face me .
We stared at each other silently enjoying each other's presence and company.

He traced my lips and caressed my hair .
"When are you going to move in?" he smiles.

"As soon as I show them my ring" I murmur and kiss the back of his hand.

"Okay " he laughs quietly.

"I have to go now " he sighs in frustration.

"It's 11Am " I announce checking my mobile from beside me.

"I've an upcoming photoshoot " he explains.

"Oh okay Don't forget theo's birthday today " I mention.

"yes of course what time is it?" He questions.

"Around 7 PM I guess "

"I'll be there " he promises and gives me a kiss on my cheek .
He dresses up and got ready to leave.
He returns back after he walked away and said on last thing. "First day wife " he cheekily says and kisses my lips.
I smile against his mouth and shyly close my eyes.

I'm now left alone rewinding the events of last night. I squeal and cover myself with the covers. The weather was very cold it was December now and Christmas is around the corner.
I returned back home after I called Emily and forced the mattress inside her car so I can return it back to neo's place. But I didn't change or remove the changes neo made for our wedding. I wanted to leave it like that forever it was perfect.

"this isn't how I imagined my first day after marriage would be like" I breath out as I carry the mattress from the left side and Emily carries it from the right side.
"Dude aren't you supposed to go on a honeymoon?" Emily yells in frustration.

"Neo already wanted to but I refused" I sigh.

"Please don't tell me , because everyday is a honeymoon and that shit " she warns.

"No " I roll my eyes .

"I wanted him to finish the courses first and begin working as a photographer , then when he's stable enough , We'd choose where to go" I conclude.

"Hawai right?" She takes a breath as we walk up the stairs of Neo's home.

"Yup no arguing in that" I insist.

We finally got inside and returned the mattress. Emily and I stayed for awhile so we can catch our breaths and have a drink.
We stayed in the living room and opened the TV.
"I can't believe you're going to live here . It's going to be weird not seeing you in your fairytale like room daydreaming about the perfect boyfriend " she teases and takes the cola from me .

I take a seat next to her and a sip from my cola.
"Yeah this house definitely needs some glitter around " I start and look around .

"Oh please don't or at least maybe the kids room but not the house it's gorgeous " she says protecting the house from my ideas.

"Hehe" I tease and wiggle my eyebrows.

"Can you be with me when I drop the bomb on mom and Theo?" I ask.

"Of course " she agrees.

"So how was the boom boom last night?" Emily asks interested.

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