Part 8

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"Where's Jess?" you asked when you walked into the café. Minna and Eric sat down by a table by the windows. You and Sabrina arrived at the same time. It was Friday.

"I think you need to sit down" Minna said.

You and Sabrina each grabbed a chair and sat down in front of Minna and Eric.

"They found Kaitlin." Minna said with a stern face.

"Kaitlin Wilson??" Sabrina said. "His lost cousin?"

Minna nodded.

"Where??" you asked.

"She just appeared on her parents doorstep like yesterday." Minna said. "She seemed to be completely fine, but her parents wanted to be sure. The whole Wilson family are in the hospital with her, they are refusing to leave her side now that they finally got her back."

Eric, Sabrina and Minna began to discuss their theories of why and how she disappeared. But you were caught in your own thoughts.

What if she wants her spot back in the swimming team? Is Jess going to hate me if I don't offer her spot back?

You went home that day with one name stuck in your head. Kaitlin Wilson.


You once again sat outside the fitting rooms with Edith. Both Sophie and Sabrina had five pairs of jeans each and they were only on their second pair. Sophie and Sabrina stepped out on the same time.

"What do you guys think?" Sabrina asked. She was wearing grey jeans. 

"They are cool." you said.

"Right?" Sabrina agreed. She looked pleased with her choice. She then looked at Sophie. "You should totally get them." she said and pointed at the pair Sophie was wearing. 

"I'm not really sure..." Sophie said. "They are a little big, but the smaller ones are too short."

You sighed. This was actually pretty boring since you haven't found anything you liked and wanted to try on.

"I'm just gonna find the restrooms." you said as an excuse. The girls said good bye and that they would wait for you outside the store. You took your bag and made your way out of the store and towards the closest restroom. 

As soon as you stepped out of the store you froze. You thought that your heart would stop and it was suddenly difficult to breath. A girl stood just meters before you. She had her back towards you, so you couldn't see her face, but you didn't have to. You knew exactly who she was. The girl turned around. She had calm eyes, and a big smile and you began to doubt yourself.

"Teddy!" she exclaimed. She began to run towards you, but she didn't look scary or crazy at all. She actually looked very happy. You didn't know what to do, so you did nothing even though you knew how stupid that was.

You closed your eyes and war prepared for the worst. You waited for the electricity to flow through your body, but instead the girl hugged you.

"Black Thunder?" you gasped as you weren't prepaed for that hug at all. You couldn't even hug her back out of shock.

"We need to talk!" she said. "Please, call me Kate."

You didn't know hos to react. Before you could say anything Kate took your hand and led you to the side. Normally you wouldn't let Black Thunder touch you, but in this case you couldn't speak, think or move.

"I don't remember much." Black Thunder, or Kate, said. "I do remember that you are the reason to why Nick Fury took care of me."

You didn't know if it was the right time to tell her that she wanted you dead. Maybe that would trigger something and Kate would turn into Black Thunder.

"And for that I thank you." Kate said. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"Wait, what?" was the only thing you managed to say.

"Look!" she said and pulled up her sleeves to reveal two big metall bracelets on her wrists. You could see blue sparks around her bracelets. "They are absorbing all of the electricity that would normally run through my body. I'm no longer in pain! And I can live a normal life!"

You tried to smile while processing all of your thoughts.

"Nick Fury is teaching me how to controll the electricity. He told me to keep Black Thunder a secret, but I'm so happy I ran into you!" Kate said when you didn't answer. "I finally have someone to talk to."

Kate looked at you. It was strange. Somehow you knew that it was Black Thunder standing in front of you, but you couldn't see Black Thunder anywhere in Kate's face. Kate had warm eyes, dimples, full lips, a perfect smile and fluffy hair. The Black Thunder you knew didn't have any of those things.

"If you want to...?" Kate said when you didn't answer.

Maybe Black Thunder really is gone? you thought. I really don't want to trigger something so she hates me again.

"Of course!" you said. 

"Hey! I'm trowing a party next weekend, you should totally come!" Kate said. "And bring some friends with you."

You knew it would be risky to befriend Black Thunder, or Kate, but you didn't wanted to make her upset at you. You would rather pretend to be her friend, than be her number one victim again.

"Sounds fun!" you said and tried to sound as excited as possible.

"Add me on IG and I will DM you the details." Kate said and proceeded to give you her username. "See you then", Kate said and walked back to her family. 

You walked back to your friends who was still in the fitting rooms.

I have to tell Peter about this, you thought. 

Peter Parker x Reader pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now