Part 1

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You walked around in the New Avengers Facility area with music in your ears. You walked with the beat to the song and you felt like you were in a music video even though you probably looked really stupid. You walked towards the mailbox.

Pretty ridiculous that the NAF (A/N: I can't bother to spell it all out) had a mailbox and got bills. You looked through the envelopes. Furthers to the back there was a letter from MIT. You couldn't breathe and your heart skipped a beat.

You turned around and ran all the way to the futuristic building.

"Hey!" you shouted as you ran in through the front door. "Dad! Pepper! Anyone!" you yelled.

Tony, Pepper, Vision and Steve came right away from different directions.

"My letter from MIT came!" you said excited and jumped up and down. You then realized how nervous you were. "What if they don't accept me?" (A/N: "wHaT if THeY dOn'T ACcePt mE?").

Tony walked down to you and took the other letters from your hand. He put them on the counter, then laid his hand on your shoulder.

"My genius genes are in you. You are not only legacy, you belong there because you are you, Stark or not." Tony said. You could see Pepper and Steve nod in the background.

You opened up the letter.

"'Dear y/n

On behalf of the Admissions Committee, it's my pleasure to offer you admissions to the MIT Class of...'" you read. "Oh my god, I... I got in!" You jumped up and down. Everyine cheered as well. "Can't wait until I can tell Linda and Marc tonight!"

Ever since you claimed your true last name you've been living with your dad in the NAF. Linda and Marc moved in together and bought an appartment closer to the NAF. You all have dinner at least once a week and you visit them as often as possibly. Tony might be your biological dad, but Linda is still your family.

You continued to swim in the swimming team for your school. Ted is the leader now that both Lila and Oscar is off the team, they graduated and are off to college now.

You also made peace with Jess and even though your old friends don't hang out together the same way you did before you still keep in touch with eachother.

Jess joined the basketball team and now understand what situation you had last year when you joined the swimming team, your old friend are awesome and all, but you do get much closer your team mates. Eric graduated and goes to college. He admitted that he has been crushing on you for a while, but he understood that you two would never happen. He is now dating a girl in one of his classes. Minna is not crushing on Peter Parker anymore (thank god) and Sabrina owns the school biggest gossip blog.

The five of you tried to meet up every friday to drink coffee and catch up. Sometimes Peter would join as well.

You and Peter Parker are going out. You don't want to label anything, besides you don't really have time to commit to anything. He's Spiderman and you worked really hard to raise all of your grades to be able to go to the same college as your dad. Plus swimming practice required tons of your time. You had to train for your individual races, but also train the two newbies that replaced Oscar and Lila, if you wanted to beat team Dolphin for the second time in a row.

Your phone vibrated. You pulled it out of your pocket and read.

[Ted to team Tiger Sharks]
Coach Andersson wants us tomorrow for swimming practice. Team Dolphin have been training 27/7. They are out for blood.

[Edith to team Tiger Sharks]
We've been training like crazy as well.

[y/n to team Tiger Sharks]
What time?

[Ted to team Tiger Sharks]

(A/N: that's 4 in the afternoon, idk if it's am or pm.)


"I'm so proud of you." Linda said with tears in her eyes when everyone sat down at the dining table. Marc and Linda had cooked (favourite food) and it was delicious, as usual.

Marc and Linda had even prepared dessert to celebrate. You just guessed that they assumed that you would get into your dream college and did a bunch of preperations to celebrate.

"Peter doesn't distract you too much?" Steve asked. "Your education is more important than any boy, ever."

"It's fine." you answered. "We are not even a couple."

"You are having awfully many sleepovers for not being a couple." Vision said. Nat and Wanda gave Vision a look. So did Tony. Everyone then looked at you.

"y/n." Tony said with a stern face. "What is Vision talking about?"


Wanda cleared her throat.

"I'm totally kidding." Vision said with an unatural voice. "That was a joke, I'm practicing on joking."

The following minutes were pretty awkward. Then Sam cracked a joke and the evening continued as if nothing had happened.

The clock was about ten when you said goodbye to Linda and Marc and walked into your room. Your room was almost the size of Linda and your old apartment. You had a king size bed, an artificial fireplace, smart tv, walk in closet. One of the four walls was a giant window, tinted, which also worked as a computer screen.

Friday was in control of the whole room. If you wanted to watch tv you just asked Friday to turn it on.

You were still not used to have this much money. You had your old stuff with you from Linda's appartment, but every gift you've got since you moved to the NAF is worth like more than all of your old stuff together.

You didn't want to change yourself just because you now have money and is famous, but it's hard not to change to be honest. Especially when everyone treats you differently. Journalists are still trying to get interviews with you, teachers expects you to know every answer to every question, students are intimitaded by you because they don't know how to act around you.

That's why you appreciated every swimming practice and every friday when you met your friends who knew you before you were the y/n Stark.

And of course every moment you had with Peter. He's been by your side through all this crazy shit. And speaking of Peter...

You heard someone knocking on your enormous window. It was a boy with a Spidermask. Peter often swings his way to the NAF in civilian clothes, but he always wears his spidermask just in case someone sees him.

You walked in to your closet and opened the blurred window in there. You couldn't open the giant window in your bedroom (since it's more of a wall than window) and Peter therefore always had to sneak in through your closet.

"I'm pretty sure Vision knows. And Vision is a terrible liar." you said when Peter crawled down underneath your duvet. His clothes already laid on your bedroom floor and he was only in his boxers.

"Did he tell Mr. Stark?" he asked and gestured you to lay down in his arms.

"Yes, but then he tried to cover it up, but dad is definitely on to us."

"We'll deal with Mr. dad tomorrow." Peter said and closed his eyes, clearly super tired.

"You have to wake up extra early now that he's suspicious." you said, but Peter just pretended to snore so he wouldn't hear you.

You rolled your eyes.

"Friday." you said.

"Yes, miss Stark?" Friday said and the room slighlty lit up in a red, warm colour.

"Wake us up tomorrow, earlier than usual."

"Of course, and I am not supposed to tell anyone about the boy in your bed?" the AI asked.

"Exactly, no one can know."

"As you wish." Friday said.

Peter Parker x Reader pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now