Part 19

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You sat down at the front row. You had a pretty pink dress on. Peter sat on your left. You were so nervous. Any minute now Linda would be walking down the aisle and you could almost hear everyone of "Marc's" family drooling. They were ready to attack at almost any second.

You heard chairs being pushed and people in the back standing up. In just seconds everyone stood up. Peter held your hand and squeezed. You turned around and saw Linda in her white dress at the beginning of the aisle. She was so pretty, but you could see her crying. Poor Linda.

But before Linda even could take one step forward "Marc" jumped towards Peter with an open mouth. His fangs were clearly visible and he was ready to bite Peter just so he could get his powers.

Chaos followed. All of the guests bared their fangs and attacked every super human at the wedding. Banner, Thor, Captain Marvel, just to name a few. But of course everyone was ready to fight. Kate threw away her headphones and electrocuted three space vampires.

"Linda!" you shouted. She was frozen, probably by chock. "What are you doing?" you screamed. "Run!"

"I-" she stuttered. She couldn't take her eyes off "Marc". Even though she knew he was evil and not the caring person, human, she thought he was, he was still a part of her life. Seeing him like this was very hard for her, harder than anyone could've predicted.

You ran to Linda and picked her up. Since you had super strength now you could run with her in your arms without any problem. You met up with Pepper in the panic room as decided.

"You'll be safe in here." you said and kissed her forehead. You had to get up to the wedding again and help your friends and family. You could hear Linda cry when the panic door closed behind you.

This is for Linda, you exhaled and tore off your pink dress, revealing your suit underneath.

The battle had already begun. Everything went in slow motion, yet it all happened so fast.

A/N: I don't want to make it too graphic and honestly, I'm not the greatest at describing battle scenes. I've been procrastinating this chapter because of that, so I figured that I'll just lightly describe what is happening and you can use your own imagination. I don't want you to wait any longer.

*Imagine Wanda as the MVP, with the Hulk and Thor close by her side, Tony and Falcon as air force. Black Thunder, Peter and you are working together.*

"It's over, Marc, or whatever your name is." You, Black Thunder and Peter surrounded him. Marc looked around the battle field. Bodies were laying all around and the green garden was now red.

"Y/N, c'mon, you can't kill me." Marc said with a grin.

"Shut up!" Black Thunder shouted. "Y/N, don't listen to him."

"I've been nothing but good to you, and your aunt, Linda~" Marc held up his hands in a surrendering gesture.

"Take her name out of your mouth!" you hissed.

"I love her, and she loves me."

"Shut up shut up!" You felt tears coming.

Before you could do anything Marc took a leap against you, revealing fangs and claws.

"Y/N!" both Black Thunder and Peter shouted.

Black Thunder jumped in front of you and shot lightning at Marc just as he got a grip around her arm. Marc got hit and landed on the ground and he let go of Black Thunder. Peter webbed Marc and the proceeded to punch the living shit out of him.

You were frozen, but then you heard a groaning from Black Thunder. You rushed to her.

"Kate?" You rushed to her.

"Short circuit", she managed to say. She was in fetal position and you could see electric waves go through her body.

"No Kate!" You were on your knees and wanted to hug her so badly but you were scared that you would get electrocuted if you touched her.

"Y/N, it's over!" Peter turned away from a lifeless Marc, only to face you with a lifeless girl. "Y/N, what happened??" He rushed to you and embraced you in his arms.

"Dr Strange! Help!" Peter shouted. All you could do was crying.

Falcon landed a few meters away.

"Kate?" He rushed towards you and Kaitlin. "What did you do??!"

"I-, no, nothing!" You couldn't answer.

"No!" He fell down on his knees beside you. "No, my sweet girl." He picked her up in his arms. You could see that Sam got electrocuted as well, but he didn't cared.

"This is my fault", you whispered.


"I'm sorry." Strange gave out a sigh. "She's no longer with us."

You and Sam was waiting outside Tonys lab that was made into a temporary hospital for Kaitlin.

Nick Fury stepped out after Strange.

"Why?" You could feel tears again. "How?"

Sam broke down completely.

"Our theory is that she concentrated all of her electrical power into that one lightning and the electricity that turned her into Black Thunder left." Fury said. "But since Marc held onto her arm she was electrocuted as well, and..."

"The body reacted like any normal body would've." Strange filled in.

"I'm really sorry." Fury said. "I know that she never wanted those powers."

The next few weeks were a blur.

Sam Wilson held a funeral. Everyone was there. Everyone from school, the swimming team, the Avengers. Even the real Marc.

You could barely look at her coffin.

"... and she will now forever rest as a normal girl, free from the electricity, just like she always wanted." The speech was beautiful. Sam could barely finish that last sentence.

"Bullshit, it was the electricity that killed her. She will never be free. And it's my fault." you muttered under your breath.

Peter squeezed you hand.

"You have to stop blaming yourself."

"I can't. It is my fault. Everyone knows that. Sam knows that."

"Have you spoken with him?"

"No. Of course not."

Because it's my fault.

You couldn't face Sam.


The months passed and you were done being Velvet. Everyone, Peter, Linda, Tony, tried to comfort you and reassuring you that it wasn't your fault but you knew, and Sam knew. You were convinced that Sam hated you.

It had gone so far that you cut off contact with aunt Linda. You were just exhausted and grieving. Alone. In silence.

You were prepared begin your semester at MIT and you couldn't even look forward to graduation. You hadn't even been to a single pre grad party (A/N: I don't know if that's a thing in the us but in my country its pretty common).

"Y/N, someone is here to see you." Pepper said through your bedroom door.

"No." You were laying in bed with the duvet over your head.

"I think you should see him."

"Tell Peter that I'll see him tomorrow." You rolled your eyes. Peter was such a rock but you just wanted to be alone.

"... It's Sam Wilson."

Peter Parker x Reader pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now