Part 14

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"You ready?" Kate asked you. 

"I think so", you answered. You looked down from the twenty stories high building. The wind played with your hair.

"You don't have to." Kate said.

"No you don't understand, I need to do this." You took a step forwards towards the edge of the building. 

One, you closed your eyes.

Two, you took a deep breath.

Three, you leaned forwards and fell free in the air, down from the building. 

You opened your eyes and laughed. 

"Whoooooooooo!" you shouted from the top of your lunges. 

"Shoot some web!" Kate shouted from the building, she was still up there.

Shit, you thought as you saw the yellow taxi cars grew bigger and bigger as you fell.

You shot a web from your web shooters Peter made just for you as soon as he found out that you were like him now. The web hit a sign, you made a swing and landed smoothly. 

"Hey! It's Velvet!" someone shouted as they saw your black and velvet red suit.

"It's Spider-man's girlfriend!" another one shouted. 

Oh no, Peter won't like this. you thought as you ran away from the scene as fast as you could. You ran into Black Thunder by an intersection. 

"I'll see you next week!" you said as you ran by her. Black Thunder couldn't answer as you already were out of her sight. You climbed up on the nearest apartment building and ran on top of the rooftops all the way home to the NAF.


"Where have you've been?" Peter asked when you stepped into your room. You were wearing civilian clothes, he was wearing his spiderman suit.

"I was just hanging out with Kate, I'm sorry I'm late."

"Steve began without us." Peter said. "Put on your suit and let's go!"

Peter had agreed to train you, with a little help from Cap.

You and Peter walked out to the outdoor gym as soon as you were fully suited up. Your dad had the suit made for you (of course) and it had all the newest stuff. The suit was black and velvet red, hence the name Velvet. A paparazzi caught a snap of you and Peter, both in your suits, once and decided to give the new superhero Velvet.

"Spider-man sighted with heroine-girlfriend" was the title and the photo made it to the cover. 

"Alright, Velvet", Peter said. "Let's begin to climb some higher heights." 

You nodded and thought about your free fall earlier this day. Peter would've died of a heart attack if he knew.

"Let's climb on top of the NAF." he said. "I'll be behind you to catch you if you fall." he promised.

It was cute to see how much Peter cared and you've tried to tell him that you're ready for so much more, but he always insisted on that he knew what a talent you were, but wanted to take it slow just in case. You knew he did it out of care and kindness, but deep down you also knew that he doubted you.

You put your hands on the big concrete wall. Peter stood behind you. A thought hit you.

If I climb as fast as I can, maybe Peter will let me do more advanced stuff.

As soon as you made contact with the wall you raced up to the top in just a few seconds.

"Hey!" you heard Peter shout from behind. You stood up on the roof of NAF and looked down at Peter who was still standing on the grass in front of the wall.

"What's the matter, is spider-man getting old?" you teased.

"That was incredible", Steve said. "I think it's time that we step up to the next level." He turned around to Peter. "What do you think?"

"I think... that maybe you're right." Peter said, but you could see that he was a little worried.


"There's something I have to tell you." Peter said. You and him laid down in your bed, facing each other. He put a strand of your hair behind your ear and then placed his hand on your cheek.

"What?" you asked softly.

"I worry about you. You are the most important person in my world and I don't want anything to happen to you." 

"That's why I'm learning how to defend myself, so that nothing bad will happen to me." you answered.

"No, you are training to become a super hero, I can feel it." Peter said. "Sooner or later you will go out there and seek after problems and bad guys. I know that because I went down that road."

You sat up, clearly upset. 

"I knew it." you said. "You don't have faith in me. You don't think I can do it." 

"No that's not-"

"That's exactly what this is about. You don't think I can win."

"I don't want to lose you." Peter sat up as well and took your hand.

"What do you think I think every time you go out with the Avengers? I worry about you as well. You are doing the things that you don't want me to do."

"Because I have to!" Peter said. "If I won't look out for the little guys, who will?"

"I will." you said sharply and pulled away your hand from Peter's.

"I think you should go." you said after a few seconds of silence. 

Peter Parker x Reader pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now