Part 20

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"Take a walk with me?"

You and Sam strolled the garden where the fake wedding took place.

"I think we both need to see this." Sam said. You just stood and stared at that exact spot where Kate... met her destiny.

The silence was loud between the two of you. After about an eternity you decided to speak.

"I'm so sorry, I know that you hate me." You looked down at the ground. You just couldn't face him.

"Hate you?"

"I took Kate from you." Tears came swelling.

"Y/N, you did not."

You raised your gaze and looked Sam directly in his eyes. And you could see that his eyes wasn't filled with hatred at all. But with sorrow, but they were healing.

"I came here to thank you."

"Thank me? But I-"

"You made my Kate so happy." His eyes got teary, but you could tell that they were happy tears. "Kate was down a dark road, and you helped her come back."

"I... She made me happy as well."

Sam smiled.

"She helped me a lot when I went through changes. Helped me become Velvet."

"And I know that she would've wanted you to continue."


"Continue being Velvet."

"Do you think?"

"I know that."


Ever since Sam told you the truth everything felt lighter. You could see everything clear again.

The first thing you did was of course to reconnect with Linda. She was never mad that you cut her off, she knew you did it out if grieve and needed time to heal.

The second thing you did was to drop out of MIT before even attending. Tony didn't approve at first. You were his legacy after all.

"We both know that I don't have what it takes to take over Stark industries." you had told him.

And he knew that too. Peter Parker was always meant to take over.

Oh Peter. Sweet Peter.

After battling the space vampires with the Avengers they offered him a spot. Peter couldn't bee happier. He was finally an Avengers.

You couldn't be happier for him.

Instead of MIT you decided to take a gap year and then apply to (dream school) and (dream education). And in the mean time...

Since the neighbourhood is now unprotected, it was time for Velvet to make a reentering. And this time, no one would mistake her for a sidekick.


The End


A/N: I'm so sorry for the rushed ending. I'm not happy at all with it, but I'm embarrassed that I never update and I don't want to let you guys down. This book is finally finished, but I did leave in two deleted scenes that didn't make the cut. Swipe up for those!

I unfortunately don't think that I'll be doing a part 3, but I might be doing one shots within this universe. So not a full story, but rather different scenarios between the different characters.

Thank you all for being here all these years. I can finally mark this story completed❤️❤️

EDIT: I might even unpublish this story because it is sooo bad compared to pt 1 and I'm not happy with it at all.

Peter Parker x Reader pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now