Part 10

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You and the swimming team sat by your usual table in the lunch cafeteria. Peter had lunch with his friend Ned and some other kids from the Decathlon team. Minna sat with the cheerleaders as she was a cheerleader now. Jess sat with the basketball team and Sabrina sat with the most popular girls group.

You made eyecontact with almost everyone of them and they all smiled back at you. You were a little sad seing your old friend group split up, but you were happy to see that everyone was doing great, even better than when you were a group.

"Have you heard? Kaitlin Wilson is having a party this weekend." Sophie said when the whole team sat down with their trays. "You know, to celebrate that she's back."

"We should all go!" Edith exclaimed.

Everyone seemed happy about the party and began to talk at the same time.

"Who is that?" Hugo and Laura asked almost at the same time, interrupting everyone.

"Ah, forgot that you are newbies." Simon said. "She was our backstroke girl before miss y/n here."

"That means you've never met Kaitlin either", Ted said.

"That means we all have to go!" Edith said enthusiastic. "Aaaand I heard Minna Grace will be there." Edith looked at Henrik. Henrik just looked down at his plate without saying anything.

Maybe Edith is right about Henrik's crush, you thought when you saw how Henrik reacted.

"I'm afraid I can't come." you said. "Another girl invited me over to her party and I can't ditch her."

"Aww, c'mon." Simon said.

"Sorry, and I was hoping that you would join me on the party I'm going to, but I understand that you want to see your friend again."

"Honey, you can't go to a party alone." Sophie said. Ted laughed.

"How terrible." he said, ironic. Sophie hit him lightly.

"Maybe not for a boy, but for a woman it's scary to go to a party without backup." Sophie argued. She gave Ted a look, and he shut up.

"Don't worry. Peter's joining me and I can ask Minna, Sabrina or Jess if they want to join me."

"I think you can count Jess out, it is his cousin's party after all." Henrik said.

"Yeah, and you can't ask Minna to go with you either." Edith said with a stern face.

"What why not?" you asked confused. But you understood when Edith discretely nodded at Henrik's direction.

"Then I guess I'll ask Sabrina."

Lunch was done and it was time for English. You didn't like English very much, but since most of your friends was in this class with you it was one of the funniest classes.

You saw that Sabrina's bench was empty so you sat down beside her. Normally you would sit beside Sophie or Edith, but they sat togheter this day.

"Hey", you said and smiled.

"Hey", Sabrina answered.

"Are you going to Kaitlin's party?" you asked.

"I don't know. Jess invited me, but I wasn't so close to her when she went to this school." Sabrina answered. Someone threw a piece of paper that landed in front of her. "Are you going?" she asked as she unfolded the note.

"No, I'm invited to another party." you answered and tried to read what the note Sabrina held in her hands said.

Rebecca White is gay the note said. Sabrina rolled her eyes.

"Do you see this shit?" Sabrina waved the note in front of you. "This isn't blog-material!! Where's the proof? Nothing, not even 'I saw her looking too long at a girl'! I can't publish this on my blog."

Sabrina tore apart the note.

"So I guess you're not coming to Kaitlin's party?" Sabrina then asked and threw the pieces in the nearest trashcan.

"No", Sabrina cut you off before you could say anything more.

"Can I join you?" Sabrina leaned closer to you and whispered the next sentence. "Between you and me, I can't stand the girls Minna are going with." Minna and one of her friends sat a few rows in front of you.

"I was going to ask you that." you smiled. "But what's wrong with the cheerleaders?" you whispered.

"They are really nice sober. That's all I need to say." Sabrina looked at the girl besides Minna. "Are Peter joining as well?" she asked.


"Then I'll bring a friend as well." Sabrina said. "I love you and Peter, but I will never be the third wheel at a party."

The teacher entered the room.


I asked Riley Shield if she wanted to join.

You saw the notice appear on your phone. It was Friday morning and Kate's party was later that day.

You were sleeping in Peter's arm and your room was still on night mode, meaning there was still time before you had to wake up.

You reached for your phone which was laying on the night stand, carefully so you wouldn't wake Peter up.

You could hear Peter's soft snores as you unlocked your phone.

Riley Shield. That was Oscar Shield's little sister. She was just as good looking as her older brother. Before befriending Oscar you didn't even dared to look at Riley. You have always thought that pretty people equals mean, but since joining the swimming team so many people had proven you wrong.

Sophie, for example, is one of the prettiest people you've ever seen. And she has always been super kind.

Oscar, who helped you, in his free time, to perfect your swimming skills.

Random popular and pretty people who always says "Hi!" whenever they see you in the corridor.

If Sabrina had sent this text a year ago you would've said "If Riley's coming, I'm not." Just because you would've been scared of being judged by her. But you were excited to get to know Oscar's little sister.

You began typing, but the sound was on and the clicking noise woke Peter up. Before you could send Peter wrapped his arms tighter around you, which made you drop your phone.

"Hey," you snickered. Peter buried his face in your neck.

"Why are we already awake. Even Friday is still asleep." Peter whispered in his morning voice.

His morning voice had no business being this hot, you thought and kissed his hand.

Peter Parker x Reader pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now