Part 18

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"Soo..." You and Linda were on the hunt for a dress. Peter and you were talking again, but unsure if you were together or not. No one, except for Tony, knew about the secret talk on the rooftop, but only you and Peter knew about the kiss.

Linda was planning on renting the dress since neither Linda or "Marc" wanted to make a big deal out of the wedding, so the selection was small. She was in the dressing room and you sat on a stool right outside.

"Yes?" she answered from behind the curtain.

"Is Marc's family coming?" you asked. You tried to get as much information as possible from Linda.

"Yeah, actually he wanted to invite the whole clan. I honestly think he invited hundreds, that's why we have to be outside. He really wants his whole family and the Avengers there as well, isn't that exciting?"

"Yes... I'm so happy for you. Oh I really am, but... Are you sure Marc's the right guy?"

"Y/N, what do you mean? You don't like Marc?" Linda poked out his head. Her eyes were filled with fear. You didn't have the heart to tell her the truth. You knew it will hurt even more the longer you wait, but you just couldn't burst her bubble, yet.

"I like Marc!" you hurried. "He's a great guy."

Linda took a step out of the dressing room and revealed a simple, but beautiful and well structured wedding dress.

"You look like a dream." you said. Linda admired herself in the mirror. You quickly sent a text to Peter meanwhile Linda didn't paid attention to you.

[Y/N to Peter<3]
I can't tell her.


Almost everything was ready for the wedding, the only part was to tell Linda the truth. It would just be an outdoor wedding. Wanda transformed the big training field behind the NAF into a cozy wedding scene. It would be a short and simple ceremony and afterwards a DJ would play, but you knew that the DJ was only for show. And you knew that this would crush Linda's heart.

You looked down at your phone.

[Peter to Y/N]
Don't worry, I'll fix it. Trust me.

Where are you? You and Linda were waiting inside a restaurant, waiting for Peter. Peter had arranged a private room for the three of you. He said that it was urgent.

"What is this about?" Linda asked. You were sitting across from each other.

"I really don't know." As soon as the sentence left your mouth the door opened. Peter and Marc stepped inside. 

"Marc?" Linda said confused. You were as confused as Linda.

"Marc, this is Linda, Linda, this is Marc." Peter said. Marc reached out his right arm, ready to shake hands with Linda. His left arm were in a cast still.

"Peter, I know, he's my fiancé." Linda raised an eyebrow.

"Just sit down, we have som explaining to do." Peter sighted.


"I knew that thing that gave me this also bit me!" Marc, the real Marc, pointed at his cast and then at a scar he had on his neck.

"It has all been a lie?" Linda was still in shock. 

"I'm so sorry for what pain my evil doppelgänger might have caused you." the real Marc said and laid a hand on Linda's shoulder.

"No, that's the problem. I loved him, he was always wonderful to me, and it really felt like he loved me as well." Linda teared up and a single tear ran down her cheek. "But it was all a lie."

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