Part 13

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You slowly opened your eyes. 

"Wha-" You tried to lift your head up, but you had no energy left. 

"Woah", you heard Peter say. You felt his hands on the back of your head.

You saw a needle in your arm, and a tube attached to that. You followed the tube with your eyes and saw that it was connected to a needle in Peter's arm.

"What is-" you tried again, but Peter gently laid you down on the ground.

"You lost a lot of blood." Peter explained. "Good thing we are both O-negative right?" Sweet Peter tried to make the situation lighter with a little joke. 

"Okay that's enough." Henrik said. You didn't notice him before, but he was sitting down beside you and Peter. He gently removed the needles in your and Peter's arms.

"It's okay, y/n." he said when he saw your chocked face. "My parents are both doctors. Because of the national blood-theft they taught me how to transfer blood."

Henrik and Peter helped you up and as soon as you were on your feet again Kate opened the door.

"The coast is clear, you can come up now." she called from upstairs.

Everyone came up from the security room. A few of Tony's drones took care of the space vampires. Since they had sucked some of your blood they looked like humans. You took a closer look. They looked like as if they could be your siblings.

Peter held his arm tight around your shoulder. You buried your face into his chest. It was scary to look at. 

"I think we'll head home." you heard Peter say. You didn't quite remember the rest of that evening. You remember how you felt the fresh, cold air against your cheeks. And how Peter carried you all the way home.

Later that morning you woke up with a head ache. Peter was nowhere to be seen and you were in your own room, in your own bed.

"Hello?" you said, but you immediately had to cover your ears. Your "hello" sounded so loud, as if you screamed.

I'm so fucking hungover, you thought. 

You couldn't stand up because it felt like you were moving in the speed of light, either that or as if the room moved in slow motion. 

Strange, you thought. The only drink you had last night was a beer.

You heard someone knock on the front door. Each knock made your head ache worse. Someone walked towards the door to open it. You couldn't see who that was, but you were sure it was Pepper.

Pepper opened the door. 

"Hello", she said.

You could hear it as clearly as if she was in the room with you.

"Hi m'am." It was Kate, you could tell by her voice. "I just wanted to check on y/n."

"Just a minute." Pepper said and smiled. You still couldn't see Pepper, but you just knew that she was smiling.

You heard her walking towards your room.

"Darling." she said and peeked in through your bedroom door. "Tony and Peter are meeting up with the Guardians of the Galaxy. I honestly don't know when they are back. I'm going out for groceries in a minute."

You couldn't answer. Pepper was talking softly and not loud at all, but somehow it sounded as if she was yelling into your ear.

"There's a lovely girl here who would like to visit you. Should I send her in?" 

"Yes please." you whispered.

Pepper left the room. Poor Pepper moved as quietly as she could so she wouldn't disturb you, but it didn't help.

Just a minute later Kate sat by the end of your bed.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

You managed to sit up. 

"I feel strange." you said. "At first I though I was just hungover, but... I don't know how to describe it."

Kate put her hand on your shoulder.

"It's as if my senses are heightened."

"You did only drink one beer." Kate said.

You inhaled sharply.

"Did I do coke??" 

"No, y/n, you did not do cok-"

"Watch out!" you cut Kate off. You caught a fly that was about to fly into Kate's hair.

Kate just looked at you with big eyes.

"Maybe... Maybe you did coke, because that is not normal." she said with her jaws dropped. 

"No... wait..." you said and stood up. Before Kate could do or say anything you put your hand on the wall, then your other hand. You exhaled. One foot was on the wall now, and then the other foot.

"You are...!" Kate exclaimed. "You are climbing on the wall, like Spider-man."

You jumped down from the wall and stared at your hands. Kate stood up and just stared at you.

"But how is that possible...??" she asked.

"I think I know how and why." You turned around and faced Kate. "But, you have to promise me to not say anything to anyone." 

Kate nodded.

"Peter's Spider-man." you said. "And now I have his blood in my veins."

Peter Parker x Reader pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now