Part 12

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You saw Peter talking to a kid from his calc class. You walked over to him.

"Is that true?" he asked.


Peter leaned over and whispered the next thing in your ear.

"About *insert dream school name*."

Sometimes you forget how good hearing Peter actually has.

You nodded.

"Why haven't you told me about that?" He sounded hurt.

"I don't know..." you said. But you knew exactly why you hadn't said anything.

Peter was as bright as your dad. He was also a superhero and more or less an Avenger already. He was more fitting to take over after your dad. 

Peter embraced you into a hug. He kissed you on your forehead.

"You do know that I support you whatever you want to do, right?" Peter said, still holding you tight.

"Of course." you said. "Kate is teaching me self defense." 

Peter let go to look you straight into your eyes.

"Kate as in Black Thunder-Kate?"

You nodded. "Why, you don't think that's a good idea?"

"I will teach you self defense." Peter said. He looked at you with puppy eyes.

"You've said that before, but..."

"I was on a mission, c'mon, y/n." Peter quickly answered. "I will teach you self defense." 

"Okay", you said. But for some reason you still wanted Kate to teach you as well. Peter kissed you on your forehead again.

"Y/n?" Edith was sitting in one of the sofas. Sophie and Ted sat beside her. "And Peter?"

"Hi Edith", Peter shouted. He then spotted his Decathlon team. "Be right back", he said and kissed you one last time. You watched him walk over to the team.

"What are you doing here?" you asked Edith surprised. You walked over to them. Sophie and Ted was in the middle of a conversation. Their faces was just inches apart. They gave you a smile, but then continued to talk.

"How cute aren't they?" Edith mouthed. She then threw herself into your arms. She was already a little drunk. "We are at Kaitlin's party! What are you doing here??"

That's when it hit you. Kaitlin and Kate is the same person. So is Black Thunder and ex-backstroke girl.

"Kate and Kaitlin is the same person, aren't they?" You facepalmed. 

"You need a drink!" Edith exclaimed and stood up. She took your hand and walked with you over to the kitchen. She took out a beer to you from the fridge. She then squeaked.

"Look!" She pointed at the sofa Edith sat in before. Ted had his arm around Sophie's shoulders and it looked like they were just seconds away from making out. "Yes! It worked!"

Apparently Edith decided to play matchmaking this evening. Sophie and Ted were her first victims. All evening she had made small comments about how great and good looking Ted is, which made Sophie think that she thought that Ted was great and good looking.

"Sophie and Ted?" you asked. You would've never guessed.

"Ted told me a month ago." Edith smiled. "From now on, call me Cupid. I'm a genius."

"Alright, genius-Cupid, who's next?"

Edith grinned.

"Henrik and Rebecca!" she whispered very excited.

"What happened with Henrik and Minna?" you asked.

"I was talking with Minna, casually, just trying to figure out what she thought about Henrik. But he's 100% in the friend zone. And then I thought about that time I saw Henrik watch the cheer girls."

You nodded to show that you knew what time she was talking about.

"Rebecca was there too, and he was looking at her with that look, you know?"

You nodded again.

"Henrik is playing poker right now. The plan is to make Rebecca wanna play poker, but of course Rebecca doesn't know how to play. Guess who is going to teach her?" 

"Alright, then. Let's go find Rebecca." you said. 

You and Edith walked up the stairs. You opened every door you could see and only disturbed a total of four people until you found Rebecca.

Actually, you found both Rebecca and Minna. They were sitting on a bed, holding hands and cuddling. 

As soon as you opened the door Minna stood up.

"What is..." Edith said confused. 

"Oooow", Minna said. "I wanted to tell you, but-"

Then you remembered the note Sabrina had received. Rebecca White is gay

Minna exhaled.

"I'm not straight." she said. Rebecca stood up as well and took Minna's hand.

"Actually, we're not straight." Rebecca said.

"Omg! That's why you were at cheer-tryouts!" Edith exclaimed. "You were watching your girlfriend!"

"And why you apologized to me, because Minna and I are friends." you said.

"I am genuinely sorry." Rebecca said.

"I'm just happy that you two are happy!" Edith said.

"We haven't come out to everyone yet, can you keep it a secret until we do?" Minna asked.

"Of course!" you said.

Suddenly someone flung the door open. It was Peter.

"You have to get out of here!" he screamed.

"What is happening?" you asked. The other girls had already left the room. Peter took you by your waist.

"It's the space vampires. They are here." 

You ran down the stairs. Kate was leading everyone down in the basement. The Wilson's had a security room down there.

Everyone was already down, but you didn't want to leave Peter and Kate alone.

"Go down!" Peter said.

"I want to help!"

"Y/n, go down! Both Peter and I have superpowers!" she said. She stood in the door so she could close it after you went down.

"You told me that you would teach me self defense!" you answered, not moving.

"Are you out of your goddamn mind? Go down!" Kate yelled.

Kate was right, what were you thinking? You were not a superhero as Kate or Peter. You sprinted towards the basement door, but something jumped up on your back.

It's sharp claws cut through your skin and you screamed in pain.

"Y/N!" Peter screamed and tried to get the creature off of you. Kate screamed as well.

Since the creature was on top of you it was too risky to shoot webs and lightning at it, since it could hit you. The creature sunk its teeth into your neck and your scream became louder.

The creature let go with its teeth and you could feel how it changed. You no longer felt sharp claws, instead two human hands on your back.

You felt how weak you became and the room spun.

"I take care of it, take care of her!" you heard Kate yell. You felt Peter lift you up from the ground. You saw the basement door close behind you before everything went dark.

Peter Parker x Reader pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now