Part 16

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Peter's POV:

It's been exactly two weeks sine the break up and Peter felt terrible. Peter thought that if he let Y/N go he wouldn't have to worry. But he was worrying more than ever. It sucked not being with her, not talking to her, not hearing her laugh. This wasn't how it's supposed to feel.


It's been exactly three weeks now and Peter is on the brink of tears every time he sees anything that reminds him of her. Everyday when he walks to school and saw where he saved Y/N from her uncles, even in his own kitchen where they did their physics experiment together.


Peter and Y/N have officially been apart for a month, the longest period of time ever. Tony made it clear that Peter isn't welcome anymore. Peter couldn't blame him, he is Y/N's father after all and Peter did hurt her. But Peter can't stand being away from Y/N anymore.

That's it, I have to see her. Peter's plan is to hang around all of Y/N's go to places. Her favourite coffee shop, the grocery store she always prefers, the mall with her favourite brand of jeans.


"Marc?" Peter asked cautious. Peter thought he caught a glimpse of Marc's perfect smile between the grocery store aisles. The man didn't react but Peter knew that was Marc, he would recognise that perfect golden brown locks everywhere. Peter's heart was beating so hard, he had to talk to Marc, just to make sure that Y/N was okay.

Peter followed the man who made his way to the dairy.

"Marc?!" Peter tried again. The man turned around.

"Hello?" he said confused.

"Marc! It's me, Peter." Peter said. His heart were in his throat. He then noticed that Marc had a cast around his left arm and a big bandaid on his neck. "What happened to you??"

"Sorry, I don't know how you know my name, but I don't know you, or any Peters for that matter." Marc replied.

Peter's heart shattered in a thousand of pieces.

"What?" Did he forget about him? Did Y/N tell him not to talk to Peter?

"Sorry", Marc said and turned around.

"Wait, how is Y/N?" Peter had to ask.

"I don't know anyone named Y/N." Marc answered, now a little bit irritated. "Please, I have just been in the hospital and recovering for a very very long time, just leave me alone." Marc quickly left Peter, and this time Peter didn't stop him.

Hospital? Marc has been with Linda the whole time...

"How is that possible..?"

Peter quickly exited the grocery store and ran all the way to Linda and Marc's apartment. He rang on the doorbell and Linda opened the door.

"Peter?" she said with a confused tone. "I- what... Y/N is not here..?"

"Oh I just wanted to check on you Linda. You know, you are my favourite aunt, except for my aunt May if course, but you are a great aunt, and I wanted to check on my next best aunt." Peter talked very fast and in a high pitch.

"Peter calm down." Linda said and laid a hand on Peter's shoulder.

"In anything wrong?"

Peter's blood froze.

Marc came out of the kitchen. No cast, no band aid. Perfect smile and perfect hair.

"You are here, and fine!" Peter said, trying to stay calm.

"Yes? Shouldn't I be?" Marc asked. Linda looked worry.

"How are you doing, Peter? Do you need a glass of water maybe?"

"No! No, I'm fine. I'm sorry that i bothered you guys. I- I should leave. Bye!" Peter closed the door and ran home to May.

Together or not, he had to warn Y/N about Marc, or whoever, whatever.

Peter Parker x Reader pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now