Deleted scenes

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(A/N: This was supposed to be the scene right after Sam and Y/N's chat from the last chapter, but I was never satisfied and didn't know how to work everything else into the plot nicely.)


Deleted scene #1

It's been a week since Sam visited and everything felt lighter. You and Peter sat on top of a building, dangling your feet and enjoying the sunset.

"Are you sure?" you asked.

"Yes, I'm not fit to be an Avengers." Peter answered. Peter was in his suit. You were not.

"Yes you are and you know it. C'mon, I know that you want to be an Avengers so bad. And now they are offering you a spot!"

"Alright, I'll be honest. I'm worried."

You chuckled. "About what?"

"Who will look out for the small guys if I'm an Avengers? I can't just abandon the neighbourhood like that."

"I'll do it."

"You? But-"

"Velvet will do it!"

"Are you sure?" Peter asked and placed a strand of hair behind your ear.

"I'm sure. For Kate."

Peter pulled you in a tight hug and kissed every inch of your face.

"I can't wait to tell everyone."

"Yes... everyone..."

Your mind went immediately to Linda.

"There's someone I need to see."

Peter swung you across the city and placed you down right outside Linda's apartment.

"I'll see you soon." Peter kissed you on your cheek and swung away.

Your heart was beating like crazy when you took the stairs up. This was the longest period of time that you've gone without speaking.

You knocked on the door. Marc opened.

Your heart froze and sank to the bottom of your stomach.

"SPACE VAMPIRE, LINDA HIDE!!" you shouted and was ready to kick him in the balls when Linda came running.

"No don't!! This is the real Marc!" Linda exclaimed.

You froze in your move and Marc was too stunned to speak.

Everything was still for a second, when Linda dropped everything she had and hugged you.

"I've missed you so much."

"I'm sorry."


Deleted scene #2

5 years into the future
(This is after the main book).

You were sitting on top of a building, right across the street from a jewellery store. Your eyes were on three shady men, all dressed in black. They had their hoods up and it was clear that they did not want to be seen. And they were clearly going to rob that store.

You got in position, ready to charge when something, someone, landed on your left.

You turned your head to see Spiderman.

"Sorry, Spidey, I work alone." you snickered.

"Baby, don't be like that."

Peter unmasked half of his face, revealing a smirk. He leaned in for a peck on the cheek when the alarm rang.

"Let's do this first, mighty Avenger." you said and pushed him lightly away from you. Peter pulled down his mask again and the two of you jumped down and swung to the jewellery store that was in the middle of being robbed.

Even though you and Peter rarely fought together you knew exactly what the other was about to do. You read each other like the back of your hands.

Soon enough the robbers were dangling from the ceiling, covered in webs. You could hear sirens in the distance coming closer.

"That's our cue." you said to the employees who were hiding behind the desk. "Take care." You and Peter swung away before the police arrived.

You and Peter were sitting on the same building when you saw the police cutting down the robberies and forcing them into the police cars.

"So... where were we?" Peter took off his mask completely and you could see his smirk. This time it was naughty.

Peter Parker x Reader pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now