Part 6

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You knocked on Peter's appartment.

"Hi y/n!" aunt May said when she opened the door. "He's in his room."

"Thank you!" you smiled and hugged her. You and May smalltalked for a minute then Peter opened the door.

"I have the kit!" he said and held a package in his hand.

"What's that?" aunt May asked and looked at what Peter had in his hands.

"It's to know which blood type you are." Peter answered and walked over to you and May. "Can we be in the kitchen?" he asked May.

"Yeah, just don't make any stains, blood is hard to remove." May said. "I just have to buy some groceries if you need me."

You and Peter said goodbye to May and went into the kitchen. You sat down by the table.

"Alright", Peter said and opened the plastic package. He took out a piece of paper and read out loud. You took out the different parts meanwhile you listened to Peter.

"Make a hole in your finger with one of the small scalpel provided in the kit, use ONE scalpel per person." Peter read.

You took out four small scalpels sealed in paper from the kit. The kit was for four persons.

"With the help of the plastic stick drop one drop of blood in each of the four circles on one card, do NOT touch the circles with your fingers. Smear the blood out so the blood covers the whole circle. Do NOT mix with the same plastic stick on all four circles, that will give an unclear result. Use one plastic stick for each circle."

(A/N: I changed the colour to blue (you DON'T have blue blood), just in case someone thought the red was uncomfortable, but this is what i meant with the circles

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(A/N: I changed the colour to blue (you DON'T have blue blood), just in case someone thought the red was uncomfortable, but this is what i meant with the circles.)

(A/N: and this is actually what y/n's blood type would show, anyone want to take a guess?)

"I don't think I have the guts to stab myself." you said as you had cleaned your finger and held the scalpel ready.

"You want ME to do it??" Peter asked nervously.

"Well I don't want to! Just do it quickly!" You closed your eyes and gave the scalpel to Peter. He held your finger against the table and you could feel something prick your finger.

"Oow!" you whined.

"I'm sorry", Peter said and kissed you on your forehead.

"Give me the plastic-thingy before the blood coagulates." You drooped four drops, one for each circle and smeared it out with different sticks, one for each circle. "And now what?"

"Now we wait." Peter said and looked at the backside of the paper to see if there was more information there, but the backside was empty. "But I think you will see results after just a minute."

You looked at your blood test card, but nothing happened.

After 10 minutes you said:

"Nothing is happening."

"Then you are negative zero, just like me!"

"Doesn't it sucks to me negative zero? I can't receive blood from any other than negative zero."

"Yeah, but you'll be a great donor, you can donor blood to anyone."

"I'm not 18 though, so I can't donor anyways."

"Well not yet. And it's great that we know beforehand which blood type you are in case if you ever need blood. Now we know that you can only take blood from negative zero."

Peter cleaned your finger and put a band-aid to cover the blood that was still coming out through the small hole. You watched how he carefully took care of you and thought.

"Are you going to help my father catch the blood thieves?" you asked. This was the first time something big (nation-big) happened since you and him became a thing.

"I have to." Peter answered. He knew as good as you that this would be the first time you would actually be apart. "Spider-man has to, and you know that."

"I know." you said. "I'll just miss you so much."

"I'll miss you even more. I just feel like these thieves aren't normal thieves. I have a feeling that they aren't ordinary humans. We just have to find out why they need the blood so we can stop them before the situation gets.." Peter stopped himself to come up with the right adjective."

"Bloody", you filled in. Peter rolled his eyes and laughed.

Peter's phone which was on the table lit up. He checked the screen, it was a notification from the news.

"The police is now begging the Avengers for help" the notification said. Peter picked up his phone and clicked on the notice. He read the article out loud.

"The police is now begging the Avengers for help after an attack that left five police men and their dogs dead. Only one police man survived and is the only witness.

'We just followed a lead to what we believed was the blood thieves, but we came across something much worse. I can't even describe it, but it wasn't human for sure.' the survining police man said. He is now in hospital due to severe blood loss.

The police is now advicing everyone to stay inside as much as possible and never go out when the sun's down. And if the Avengers are reading this, please, America needs your help." Peter read. He looked at you with a tint of sadness in his eyes. And you knew exactly why.

You run up to him and hugged him and kissed him on his cheek. Someone opened the front door, it was May. She saw the two of you hugging in the kitchen.

"I guess you've read the article?" she said. Peter looked up at his aunt from the hug and invited her into the hug as well.

"We all should head to dad." you said still with your head against Peter's chest.

Peter Parker x Reader pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now