Part 9

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"Y/n!" Pepper shouted from outside. "They are back!"

You put down your bowl of cereal on the table and ran outside in pyjamas. Tony and Peter landed at the same time and they looked exhausted. Both you and Pepper ghasped when they took off their hemlets.

Their faces was covered with scars and bruises. You ran and hugged your father. He kissed the top of your head.

"I need a drink", he said. You let go and Pepper led him into the building. Happy met them in the doorway.

"Peter!" you said and hugged him as well. "How did this happen?"

"They are not thieves." Peter said and you could feel how tired he was. "T-they are monsters."

You just thought Peter exaggerated. You run your fingers through Peter's hair to calm him down. Aunt May came running and you let Peter go so she could hug her nephew.


The other Avengers had returned as well from the mission and everyone looked as beaten up as Tony and Peter. Everyone, super powers or not, sat in a conference room and Tony and Bruce stand in front of a screen.

"They are bloodeating shape shifters." Bruce said. "Not from here, a parasite." Bruce made a hand motion and a meteorite appeared on the screen. "Tony and I believe that they came to earth on this  meteorite. It hit earth a few months ago."

"We've been in contact with the Guardians of the galaxy and they didn't come with good news." Tony said. He sat down on the chair next to him. He looked at Bruce.

"They can shape shift into whatever species as long as they eat that species blood. In just a short amount of time they will have multiplied and taken over the whole earth." Bruce did a paus to see if everyone was with him. "Normally they have to hunt for blood, but since humans store blood earth became an easy target."

"What do they want?" Captain America asked.

"They want our planet. They are like a cuckoo in a nest. They will take our resources and outlive us on our own planet." Bruce answered.

"What can we do about it?" Peter asked.

"We can not do anything." Tony said. "You are off the mission."

"What?? Why?" Peter asked desperately.

"This mission is not for kids." Tony said. "You stay here to protect the neighborhood, we protect the world."

Bruce and Tony continued to talk about the shape shifters, but you couldn't listen to them.

"I have to tell you something." you whispered in Peter's ear.

"What is it?" Peter asked and you could see that he was worried.

"Y/n, Peter, May, Pepper", Tony said. "It's for the better if you leave the room."

"What?" Peter protested.

"You got the info you need." Tony answered and gave the four of you a look. You knew your father did this to protect you.

Pepper stood up and walked towards the door. She held the door open for May, you and Peter and you all walked out of the room. Lastly Pepper closed the door behind her.

"I'll make dinner." Pepper said and walked towards the kitchen.

"I'll help", May went after Pepper. You and Peter walked into your bedroom.

Peter threw himself in your bed and you threw yourself on top of him.

"I've missed you", you saidm inches apart from his face. He placed one stroke of hair behind your ear, then placed his hand on your cheek. He leaned forward and kissed your nose.

"I've missed you too." ha said and cracked the biggest smile you've seen from the brown haired boy ever. You felt how blood rushed up too your cheeks and you blushed like crazy.

"What were you going to tell me?" he then asked after kissing your flaming hot cheeks. 

"Okay, but you can't say anything until I'm done. No interrupting! Do you understand?" You sat up and hugged a pillow. Peter sat up as well.

"Yeah, I understand." Peter answered. He looked deep into your eyes. Oh how much you've missed his warm, chocolate eyes.

"You know how Nick took care of Black Thunder?" You continued before Peter could say anything. "I met Black Thunder at the mall."

"I knew that the mall wasn't safe! I told you to stay away from-" Peter said upset, but you put your index finger on his lips.

"No interrupting!" you reminded him.

"Sorry", Peter said and kissed your finger. You lowered your index finger from his lips. "Please, continue."

"She was a normal teenager. Nick got her old life back. And she doesn't remember that she wanted me dead. And also..." You made a pause. "She invited me to her party and we have to go."

"What??? Y/n, you know how crazy that sounds!" Peter exclaimed, and you knew that he would react like this.

"No, listen Peter, this is the best alternative we have!" You tried to calm him down by stroking his arm, and it helped a little. "It genuinely looked like she wanted me on her party, and not because she wants to kill me. If we ditch her I'm afraid that we will make her upset and maybe that would trigger her memories to come back."

"Well, you're not going to her party without me." Peter said and crossed his arms.

"Of course not!" you laughed and hugged him. He put his arms around you and the both of you fell down on the matress. Peter kissed your forhead and stroke your hair. "I think I'll ask my other friends if they want to join as well." you said against Peter's chest. 

You and Peter laid down like that what felt like hours, just talking. Peter told you about his mission and what he saw. You told Peter about Edith's theory about Henrik and Minna, how Rebecca apologized and that Jess' cousin was back.

Peter was really tired, and you could tell. His breaths became heavier and heavier and soon he was asleep. You watched Peter as he snored quietly. He looked so paceful. You could lie like this forever, just admire his beautiful features. You traced his face softly with your fingers. First his eyebrows, then down the bridge of his nose, carefully across his lips, down his chin and lastly his sharp jawline. 

(AN: fun fact, this is what I do when a boy falls asleep in my arms.)

"Dinner's ready", Friday said.

Peter woke up with a gasp, which made you jump.

"Friday", he said. "You scared me!"

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