Part 4

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"Thank you so much for inviting us." May said. "I had no clue what to cook for tonight. And it's truly and honor to meet all of the Avengers."

Almost everyone living in the NAF sat by the table and had dinner. The only one missing was Nat, she was sent out on a secret mission by Nick Fury.

"No problem. Tony always cook too much, right honey." Pepper looked at Tony, he gave her a smile, but you knew that it was a sarcastic smile because Pepper forced him to do more food for this evening.

Thor laughed as well as Scott because they knew the truth as well.

The evening continued and everyone had a great time. It wasn't usual to have all of the Avengers sit down and eat together as everyone was very busy almost every day. This was the closest you've been to be the full group even though Nat was missing.

Tony and Pepper really grilled Peter throughout the evening. He was looking really nervous and gave you continuously looks for help. You tried to help, but you figured that the more you tried to hide it the more suspicious Pepper and Tony would get.

Happy gave you pleased looks for every time Tony asked Peter something that might lead to Peter slipping up.

"So, Peter." Tony said for the fifth time. "Are you interested in swimming?"

Peter's aunt looked at him with a surprised look.

"Are you Peter? I didn't know." she said.

"No, I'm not. The Academic Decathlon team is enough."

"I was just wondering, since you've been to many of y/n's swimming races." Tony continued.

"He's almost at every swimming practice as well." Happy filled in. You gave Happy an un-happy look. If you lost this bet you would make sure to tell him about this comment and that he wasn't allowed to help Tony in any way.

Peter, yet again, looked at you for help, and Happy, yet again, looked at you with a pleased look. He thought he was going to win the bet.

"I-- um... I think it's a fascinating sport." Peter begun with red cheeks. You knew that Peter had two reasons to be at your swimming practicing and races. The first was to support you, of course. And the second: he enjoyed the view. But you can't really blame him, he is a teenage boy after all and you have a gorgeous body.

"Mr. Stark." Friday interrupted before Peter could continue. You exhaled.

Thank you Friday, you thought, but sadly Friday didn't interrupt to save you. It had a real reason.

"There has been a robbery at every hospital in New York. All of them happened at the exact same time." it continued.

Every superhero stood up, ready to head out.

"Send me and the rest of the team the locations of the hospitals." Tony said and suit up. All of the other Avengers (official members or not) went out and Tony turned around to you, Pepper, May and Peter (who btw was on his way to get his suit).

"You," he pointed at all of you, including Peter. "will stay here."

"Me too?" Peter asked.

"Yes, Friday will keep you safe, but if someone manages to break through the wall you are the last defence. This might be a trap to lure out all of us, leaving you vurnearble." The turned around and faced Pepper. He kissed her on her cheek. "Please use your suit if necessary."

Pepper nor Peter didn't have much to say because before they could say anything at all Tony left the building and flew away.

"Lockdown, please go inside." Friday said in the speakers. You, Peter, Pepper and May walked inside as every possible exit (doors, windows) became blocked by a metall walls.

"Please walk inside the emergency room as it's the safest room in the facility." Friday said and opened a door down to the basement. You could hear all of the other doors lock.

The emergency room was basically your second bedroom since you were the only person in the house who couldn't defend herself (who didn't have superpowers). Tony made sure to make it as cozy as possible. It had a few bunkbeds, comfortable, yes, but still bunkbeds. There was a giant TV with a few smaller tv screens beside, a sofa, a small kitchen, incase you had to be stuck down here for days, and a bathroom.

You also had your own desk down there with a computer. Sometimes when you had to be down there you killed time by doing your homework.

Friday started the TVs. The big one showed the news about the robberies. The smaller TVs was broadcasting from some of the Avengers' suits. From one TV (for example) you could see from Tony's point of view thanks to his suit's camera. You could also hear the conversations between the Avengers through the speaker system in the emergency room.

"They only stole blood." Steve said.

"Same here." Scott answered.

You were about to ask your father why they only stole blood, but suddenly the whole room shook and the light flickered. Then the loud noise came, thunder. You looked at Peter and you could see what he was thinking.

"Black Thunder?" you mouthed.

The room shooked again and this time the TVs went out.

"It seems that too much electricity is in the system." Friday said. Peter threw off his clothes. Everyone in the room knew what Peter was about to do, but you felt the awkwardness spreading through the room. May handed Peter his suit as Pepper herself shuited up in her Iron-woman armour. You and May held hands as Pepper and Peter stood in formation, ready to fight.

"The overload of electricity is causing Lockdown to fail." Friday said and the alarm set off. Lights begun to blink red and the speaker system sent out continuous beeps. "Someone is inside the building." Friday said exactly as the heavy door into the emergency room was kicked open by a young woman, Black Thunder.

"Hello Teddy." she said with a smirk.

Peter Parker x Reader pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now