Part 5

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Black Thunder looked (if possible) even more crazy. Prison (or juvenile) did her dirty. But at the same time she looked like if she was more in control than ever. As if she knew exactly what she was doing and what she was capable of.

You could see electricity flow between her fingers as if she was charging up. Black Thunder looked around the room and you could see her gaze stop at May.

"Well, well, another of Spider-man's hamters."

"What?" May asked, scared, but curious.

"She's crazy." you said to May, but that was clearly a mistake.

"I'm not!" Black Thunder yelled and pointed her fingers (index and middle finger, like a gun) towards you, ready to shoot.

"Woah, woah, okay, calm down!" Peter said in his Spider-man suit and stepped in front of you, blocking you out from Black Thunder's aim. "No one is calling anyone crazy." he said and gave you a look, then looked back at Black Thunder.

But Black Thunder didn't calmed down. Honestly, did Peter really think that would work? Instead she absorbed electricity from the nearest tv screen that was glitching and was ready to shoot it at you. But Peter was quicker. He shot his web on her fingers and the electricity couldn't go anywhere. Instead it blew up right in front of Black Thunder's face. Her hair became fried and even more curled and her face became black due to the explosion.

"T-this... What is this? This has never happened before?" she said dizzy and looked at the web on her fingers. You could see that she was about to pass out.

"Made some upgrades." Spider-man said and winked. Black Thunder passed out and Pepper, who was in her suit, caught her right before her body was about to hit the floor. As soon as Black Thunder had closed her eyes the electricity went back to normal.

"I sent a message to Mr. Stark." Friday said. "He should be here any minute."

"Good to have you back, Friday." you said.


"I thought Black Thunder be a thougher mach this time..?" you said to Peter as the two of you sat on top of a roof not too far away from Peter's appartment, the sun was setting. The police took care of Black Thunder, but the blood thieves was still a mystery.

"She's still a new villain. It will probably take more time to master her powers." Peter answered. "And it doesn't help that the only thing that motivates her is her hatred against me."

"Is she sent to jail again?"

"No, I think Nick takes it from here."

"He is trying to make her good?"

"He figured that he should take her under her wings before someone else does."

That makes sense, you thought.

"But now that Black Thunder's out of the way doesn't mean that everythings fine and harmless." Peter said and brushed a strand of your hair behind your ear. "You are too cocky for your own good." he said and kissed you on your forehead.

"I'm sorry." you said. He was right and you knew that.

"I will not be able to alway protect you." he said, still with his lips against your forehead.

"Then teach me how to fight!" You gently pushed him away so you could look him in his eyes. "Or at least protect myself."

You could see that Peter didn't liked that idea.

"You're not supposed to fight. You are supposed to make friends, memories, graduate, go to MIT, make new friends, new memories, enjoy life."

"But what about you then? You are a highschooler, just like me."

"Y/n, I am Spider-man. I am destined to fight to protect everything I love. You are y/n Stark, destined to introduce your inovations and inventions to the world."

"But what about my dad, he does both! Why won't you teach me how to fight?"

Peter looked you in the eyes. He opened his mouth to tell you something, but then just smiled.

"Alright, I'll teach you the basics." he said and put both of his arms around you. You curled up in his arms and he kissed you on your cheek.

"Tomorrow? After your swimming practice?" you looked up on him and gave him a peck on his nose.

"How could I ever resist you?"

"How could I ignore you? Trust me I adore you?~" you silently sang.

(A/N: yeah, if you understood that reference; i'm not proud either).

"Stop it!" Peter laughed and pulled you even closer into his hug.


"Since every blood bank has been raided the local hospital has asked us if we have any blood donors." it was your school nurse who was speaking. Every senior student was gathered in the aula. "You have to weigh at least 50 kg and be at least 18 years old and no medical problems. I will hang up a list outisde my office, write up your name if you would like to donate blood. The hospital are greatful for every drop. Thank you in advance."

"Peter, you should!" you said to him as the students left the aula. "Isn't that what super heroes do?"

"I don't think that's an good idea?" Peter said. "I don't think my blood is normal."

"Aww, well, I can't do it since I'm not 18 yet."

"I would've done it if my blood were normal." Peter said and kissed you on your forehead.

"Well, I think that we at least should go and see which blood group we are, in case we need blood."

"Oh, I already know mine." The two of you walked in the corridor towards the lockers.

"You do?" you asked as you took your math book from your locker.

"Yeah, negative 0."

"Then I have to check my blood type."

"I can buy you a blod sample kit you can test yourself with, after school, meanwhile you are at swimming practice."

"Alright, I gotta go now, I'll see you after school for the blood sample and fighting lessions." you said and kissed Peter on his cheek before you walked away to class.

Peter Parker x Reader pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now