Part 2

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"Good morning, y/n Stark." Friday said. The window changed from night mood to it's normal state. Sunlight filled the room. The weather prognose was visible on the big window and the door to your closet opened up.

"It's going to be sunny today, almost no wind. I propose a skirt, dress or shorts."

You and Peter sat up in your bed and yawned.

"I guess I better get outa here then." Peter said and got dressed. He pulled his mask over his head and half of his face. He kissed you on your cheek before he pulled down the whole mask. He walked into the closet and through your window you could see him swing away. You were too tired to say anything.

"Ah-a!" Tony yelled and opened your door. He pointed at you with his whole hand. "Where's the kid?" he asked when he saw that you were the only one in the bed.

"What kid? I'm here?" you said innocent and laid down in your bed again.


"Yes, Mr. Stark", Friday responded.

"Did y/n sleep here alone?"

"That sounds like an 'over-protective-parent-question'." Friday asnwered. "I will therefore not answer that question." Gosh you loved Friday.

Tony looked at you and you gave him a stare back.

"You got away this time. Get dressed. Vision is doing pancakes today." Tony said and left the room. He closed the door after him.


"I'm having swimming practice today, so you pick me up later than usual." you said to Happy when he drove you to school.

"I saw Peter today. Saw him when he swung his way away from your bedroom." Happy said. "Just like when I saw him last week." He looked at you through the mirror. "You ain't slick."

You pointed your index finger towards Happy.

"Not a word to anyone, especially my father." you said seriously. Happy laughed.

"He will find out sooner or later, I would just rip off the band aid. It will be less painful." Happy said and looked at you through the mirror. You could only see his eyes, but you could tell that he was smiling.

"I'll tell him, just not now. And you definitely won't tell him."

You arrived to school. You wore a vintage looking t-shirt tucked in an a-lined skirt and chunky sneakers. You had your backpack on your shoulders and waved goodbye to Happy. Peter walked towards you and smiled. You looked at Happy as he drove away with a big grin.

"Good morning pretty girl." Peter said and wrapped his arm around your shoulders and the two of you walked to class together.

"So apparently everyone seemes to know about us." you said and leaned your head against his shoulder.

"You two are so cute! Why don't you just become boyfriend and girlfriend already?" Edith exclaimed. She appeared on your left and Sophie was walking beside her.

"Chill Edith. They are basically already together."

"I know, so why not make it official??" Edith cried. She obviously shipped you and Peter so hard. The four of you walked to your lockers and then split up to go to class.


"I have some exciting news." you said by the lunch table.

You sat with the swimming team (Peter was somewhere else), including the two newbies Laura and Hugo. Laura was the new crawl girl and Hugo was the new backstroke boy. Hugo was an exchange student from Sweden (A/N: no it's not because of Stig from Tall Girl. I just happen to like Sweden) and he was one of the greatest swimmers in "scandinavia", whatever that was. You were very happy to have him on the team.

"Some inside information about team Dolphins?" Ted asked. Ted was the new leader of Tiger Sharks. And since the majority of team Tiger Sharks were seniors he wanted us to win so badly.

"No, but... Drumroll please." you said. Hugo immediately begun to drum his fingers on the edge of the table. The other team mates did the exact same thing.

"I got into MIT!" you whisper-shouted. You didn't want anyone else to hear or know. Other people would just say that you got in because of your last name.

Sometimes you thought they were right. If it weren't for your last name you wouldn't even want to go to MIT. Your real dream school was (*insert dream school*) and you wanted to major in _____, but you changed your mind when you changed you surname.

No one forced you to apply to MIT, that was your own choice, still you couldn't stop thinking about how it would've been if your last name wasn't Stark.

Your team mates seemed genuinly happy for you and you couldn't wait to get back home and tell Peter about the news.


"Hi pretty girl." Peter said and kissed you on your forehead. He put his hand on your lower back. You placed your hand on his chest as he pulled you in closer.

The school day had ended and you was on your way to swimming practice.

"Walk me to the swimming hall?" you asked.

"Of course." he said, still with his lips on your forehead. You could feel the vibrations as he spoke.

"Study at my place later?" you asked and got up on your tippy toes so you could look Peter in his eyes.

"Yeah, I'll sit on the bleachers and wait for you."

"You just want to see me in my swimsuit." you said and rolled your eyes, then couldn't help but smile.

Peter smirked.

"No I just really need to study." Peter said, but his eyes said something else.

"But we are going to study at my place later?" you said confused. A small wrinkle could be seen between your eyebrows.

"C'mon, how much do you think we are going to study?"

"My dad and every other Avenger will be home. I think we are going to study very much."

"That hasn't stopped us before." Peter arched one eyebrow and smiled with one corner of his mouth. He then winked.

You rolled you eyes and laughed.

"You are not able to resist this." he said and gestured at his package. You punched him playfully on his chest and laughed. He was of course right, but still.

Peter and you did it for the first time during summer break. All of the Avengers were sent to different missions and you had the whole house to yourself. Of course Tony assigned Peter your personal security and he had to stay with you at the NAF, how convinient ;).

Peter pulled you into a kiss and you then walked together to the swimming hall.

Peter Parker x Reader pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now