Part 17

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Y/N's POV:

"Marc and I have some news!" Linda chirped at the dinner table. Linda and Marc were over for the weekly dinner. "Marc proposed! We are getting married." Linda held up her left hand and pointed at a beautiful engagement ring.

Everyone at the table cheered and congratulated them.

"I'm so happy for you!" You hugged Linda.

"It would mean so much if you went dress shopping with me!"

"So, when's the important date?" Tony asked. "I will gladly give a small contribution for the costs."

"We just want to get married as soon as possible, let's not get too deep into the details. Think of it like a big giant party, with lots and lots of people." Marc hurried to say.

"Tony you don't have to pay anything." Linda said directly after.

"It's the least I can do since you took so good care of Y/N, I insist." Tony answered and you knew no one could change Tonys decision.

"All of the Avengers, and Peter is of course welcome as well!" Marc said excited. Linda cleared her throat.

"They broke up over a month ago", she whispered.

"Oh, I'm sorry..." Marc said. "But, is he really completely out of your life completely? Maybe he could come as well?"

"What? No! It would hurt too much."

"Marc, what-" Linda said surprised and clearly upset.

"Sorry, that was out of line." Marc said. The dinner just became very awkward.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your lovely dinner", Friday said in the speaker system after three minutes of completely silence.

Thank god, you thought.

"There's someone at the door for Y/N."

"Yes, I- I'll... I'll just go."

Your heart dropped when you saw the brown haired boy outside the door.


"Is that Marc's car?" Peter pointed at a small but nice car on the driveway.

"Yes, Linda and Marc are over for dinner, just like every week."

"Y/N I need to talk to you, unbothered." He whispered.

"Is everything okay, we haven't spoken at all for over a month and now-",

"Is Marc inside right now?" he asked quietly.


"Did he have a cast on his arm?"

"No? Peter what's going on?"

"I need to take you out of here." Peter took you in his arms and swung both of you away. You cold smell his cologne, gosh you've missed that smell.

He finally placed you on your favourite rooftop.

"The Marc eating dinner with all of the Avengers, that's not Marc."

"What? How do you know that??"

"I met the real Marc in the grocery store. He had a cast and a bit band aid on his neck. He didn't know me, you or Linda. And, get this, that Marc has been in hospital for a really long time."

"Are you sure that was Marc?"

"100%, his name was Marc, the same smile, same hair, you name it."

"You think that's the original Marc? Then whoever is living with Linda right now?"

"I think Linda is living with a space vampire."

"Wait... Linda and Marc is engaged now."

"What?? Since when??"

"Very recently. And Marc really wanted you there on the wedding, together with all of the other Avengers."

"He's definitely up to something." Peter scratched his neck. "But what? They already have the blood from like every hospital in the country."

"Wait..." You looked down at your hands. "There's some blood they don't have."

"What, tell me!"

"I got blood from you, right? I got your powers. We know that your power comes from the blood. If they got to drink your blood, they would not only look like you, they would have your powers as well. Don't you think the shapeshifters would love to turn into Spiderman, or the Hulk or Wanda?"

"We have to stop the wedding."


"Y/N", Peter took your hands. "I love you more than anything. I thought I was doing the right thing by letting you go, but now I see that I need you. " He put a strand of hair behind your ear. "And isn't it about time that Spider-man gets a side kick."

You couldn't help but crack a smile. You gave Peter a warm kiss.

"As if Velvet is a side kick." you chuckled. "But we can't risk Marc finding out that we know. And I don't want to hurt Linda."

"Alright. Let's just take Marc out instantly."

"No, wait. My Y/N-tingles are telling me to wait and have patience."

"Since when do you have Y/N-tingles?"

"Since now apparently. Let's just gather some more information before we do anything irrational. Let's at least tell Tony about it all."

"Alright side kick, let's  rock this shi-


"So, you're saying that Marc isn't actually Marc? He's a space vampire?" Tony said with a frown. You knew it was hard to believe since you've known Marc for quite a while, but you believed Peter and Tony believed you.

"I saw the real Marc with my own eyes!" Peter said. The three of you were inside of Tony's workspace. The room was sound proof. The dinner continued upstairs in the dining hall.

"And you think Marc will use the wedding as an excuse to gather all Avengers so they can suck their blood and get special powers?"

"Yes! Only imagine a space vampire with Steve's strength. Marc saw that I posses the same powers as Peter now that I have Peter's blood in my veins. Now he wants to give strength to his fellow space vampires so they can take over earth faster." you explained.

"Why target the real Marc?" Tony asked. "Marc got together with Linda way before you got your abilities."

"I don't know. Marc is good looking? If I were a shapeshifting space vampire I would also target a good looking human. Maybe it was all just a coincidence and now he's just taking advantage of this whole situation?"

"Or maybe he knew that you were dating Spider-man and wanted to stay close and try to get to me through Linda?" Peter added.

"That's not the important part, what do we do??" you asked your dad.

"Well... I'm guessing a lot of Marc's vampire friends are going to that wedding then." Tony said thoughtfully. 

"Yes, how do we prevent that?" You sounded desperate.

"What if we go through with it all? We can turn this to our advantage. They don't know that we know. We can kill them before they kill us. And maybe we can get rid of them all at once."

"What??" You couldn't believe your ears.

"No, this could work. They will all be gathered and we won't have to chase them to wipe them out!" Peter sounded excited. He then turned to you. "We have to tell Linda the truth."

Peter Parker x Reader pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now