Part 3

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"Hi Happy." you said when the family driver pulled up. Swimming practice went great. Hugo even showed you some trix from Sweden, very good techniques that wasn't usually used in the us.

"Is Mr. Parker following us home?" Happy said when he saw who was walking behind you. You could see the teasingly look Happy had.

"Yes, we are going to study." you said and opened the car door and got into the car. You sat in the back behind Happy and Peter sat in the other seat beside you. "He's helping me with physics."

"Sure. We'll see what Tony says about that." Happy said and put on his sun glasses. He turned on the car and drove to the NAF.

"It's going to be fine." you assured Peter when you saw that he looked a little worried. "You've been helping me with physics before."

"Yeah, but that was before Vision slipped up." Happy said, clearly eavesdropping. "He's suspicious as ever."

"Happy!" you said and gave him a look. "You are at the drivers seat, we are in the backseat. Stop eavesdropping!"

"I'm just impressed that you had the nerve to sleep together this night." Happy said and you could see in the mirror that he smiled.

Peter looked terrified.

"He knows?" he mouthed and pointed with his thumb at Happy.

You rolled your eyes.

"Yeah, but he won't tell dad", you said. "right, Happy?" you said, knowing that he was still eavesdropping.

"I will not tell him, but I bet that he will find out by himself by the end of this week."

"Yeah, as if. He might be a genius, but it takes more to be a father."

"Keep telling yourself that." Happy said. "This will be fun to see."

"I'll show you. If he catches us then you win, but if we make ut through this week I win."

"What do you win?"

"Just honor." you answered.

"Sure." Happy said.

"But", you quickly added. "You are not allowed to help dad. He has to find out on his own."

"He doesn't need help. He will find out, and I will be laughing when that occours."


"I'll just drop you off at the NAF, Mr. Stark asked me to do some errands. See you at dinner." Happy said and stopped the car outside the entrance. The motor was still running. You and Peter stepped out of the car and the automatic doors let you in the hall. Happy drove off.

"Dad, we're home." you said as soon as you opened the door.

"We? Who are 'we'? I specifically told Happy to bring me something from across town." Tony walked out from the kitchen to see who stood in his hall. He was wearing an apron and held a big kitchen knife in his hand. Ever since Tony became a full time father Pepper forced him to do some daily chores. Today it was his turn to make dinner.

"Peter." he said as soon as he saw the brown haired boy next to you.

"Chill, he's helping me with physics." you said and rolled your eyes.

"You sit in the kitchen and study so I can see that it's physics you're doing and not get physical." He pointed at you and Peter with the knife.

"Dad, go to sleep." you answered, took Peter by his wrist and led him inside your room. You closed the door behind you.

That was yours and Peppers way to tell Tony "go to hell" when he's being annoying. Pepper always said that to Tony when he was too drunk to function and did stupid things.

"Open door!" Tony yelled. Friday opened your door and if Tony leaned he could see you from the kitchen.

"Friday!" you whined.

"I'm sorry, y/n."

"It's fine." you said. "We were going to just study anyways." you said loud enough for your father to hear.

Peter winked and you rolled your eyes. You couldn't blame him though, he was after all a normal teenage boy. And you were a teenage girl, of course things were bound to happen, but you were determind to study physics and nothing else.

Pepper walked into the kitchen.

"Smells amazing." she said. She leaned forward and kissed Tony. When she leaned forward she could see you and Peter by your desk and with your noses in the physics book. "Hi Peter." she shouted from the kitchen and waved.

Peter looked up from the book and waved back.

"Hi Ms Potts." Peter said and smiled.

"Are you staying for dinner?" she asked.

Peter looked at you to see if you was okay with that and Tony gave Pepper a stare.

You could see from the corner of your eye that Tony didn't really liked that idea.

Sure, he loved Peter almost like one of his own, but right now Peter was a guy interested in his daughter. When Peter wasn't the "guy from the same highschool as my daughter" and Tony wasn't the "father of the girl I might or might not be going out with" then it was all cool between them, but right now Peter was exactly that guy to Tony and Tony was exactly that person to Peter.

"What do I answer?" Peter mouthed.

"Well, we will be done with physics by the time the food is ready." you said, implying that he doesn't have to stay.

"Exactly." Peter said, implying the oposite.

"You can just swing by and climb in through my window." you said, and this time you was the one who winked.

"Sure." Peter said. He turned around and faced the kitchen. "No I have to go home to aunt May." he said to Tony and Pepper. "She will eat alone otherwise."

"Oh, she can eat here as well!" Pepper said. "Tony will just cook for two persons more, that's no problem."

Before either Tony nor Peter could say anything Pepper called Friday.

"Friday, send an invitation to May."

"Of course." Friday answered.

"No problem", Peter whispered and put a strand of hair behind your ear. "I'll swing by right before your bedtime."

"What was that?" you could hear Tony ask Pepper.

"Do you want to find out or what?" Pepper asked and put a hand on his chest. She took a teaspoon and tasted the sauce from the pan. "It's really good."

Peter Parker x Reader pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now