Part 15

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You walked home from swimming practice. It was raining and already pitch black outside. You were still angry at Peter and haven't spoken to him yet. He wanted to reach out to you, but you wouldn't let him.

It will go faster if I swung myself home. You stopped in a dark ally so you could change into your suit. As soon as your mask was on you heard a gun shot. 

It came from the supermarket across the street. The big window was cracked open. You could see two individuals dressed in black with covered faces. The staff and costumers were laying on the floor. You ran across the street, almost got ran over by a car. The car honked at you and the two men in black turned around. The honk and the sight of you caught them by surprise, but before they could do anything else you jumped through the broken window and attacked the man with the gun. The gun flew across the room and landed by the other man's feet. As he picked it up you knocked out the first man and just before he could fire the gun at you, you shot a web and snatched the gun from his hand. You heard sirens from a police car. You trapped the men in your web and swung yourself out of the building and up on the roof. 

The rest of the way home was peaceful.


"Robbers caught in Spider-man's web last night." Steve read outloud the next morning. He sat with the newspaper. "Isn't it strange that Peter didn't report that to us?" Steve asked. Nat, Tony and you sat down with him at the breakfast table. "We had to find out through the news."

"Well, he's not an Avenger, he has his own life." Nat shrugged. 

"Yeah, but he's still one of us, right?" Steve said and put down the newspaper. 

"Why don't you ask Peter now?" Tony said while sipping on his morning coffee. 

"No!" you exclaimed. Everyone looked at you with a surprised look. "I mean... no", you said, much more calm.

"Why not?" Steve asked.

"He's probably tired and..."

"Friday, call Peter." Steve said.

"Peter is already outside, he want's to talk to Y/N." Friday answered.

You got up and walked towards the door. You knew that you couldn't ignore him anymore. And you knew exactly what he wanted. You opened the front door and looked Peter in the eyes. He was not happy. His eyes were filled with rage, but you could at the same time see that he was hurt.

"How could you?! I was the article."

You closed the front door behind you. Peter stood on the drive way, you walked down to him.

"I'm sorry. They needed my help and no one got hurt!"

"The police was right there!"

"I have powers now, it is my responsibility to help!" 

"No! I'm sorry, I can't have you running around each night searching for danger. I will worry too much."

"I'm not searching for danger, the supermarket across the street from me was being robbed, I helped."

"This is my fault, I'm the bad influence."

"What? No!"

"It is my fault that you have these powers."

"You saved my life."

"Maybe if you didn't know I was Spider-man, then maybe you wouldn't be doing this."

"I want to help the helpless!"

"I'm sorry Y/N, I love you, but..."

"But what???"

"I'm breaking up with you."

And with that, he was gone.


"I don't know what to do, Kate."

You and Kate sat on your favourite roof in New York. The sun was setting, making the sky glow orange.

"This might sound harsh, but you can do whatever you want now. You don't have to think about what Peter would want you to do."

It has only been two weeks since the break up, but you were caught in the past. It was hard letting Peter go since he's still a part of the Avengers (sorta) and had to visit NAF on occasions. 

"I still want to help people. I just know I got this powers for a reason. As if the reason to why the space vampires almost killed me is so that I can prevent it from happening to anyone else."

"Then I think we should continue with your training."

"Maybe you're right, but it feels so wrong. I still want to be with Peter, I love him."

"Y/N, you are not with Peter. He let you go so that you can do whatever you want to do."

"Alright, let's get to work."

Peter Parker x Reader pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now