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A month, a whole month had passed, there were people who accepted us and people who didn't, that's just how the world works, everyone has different beliefs, of course some of them are wrong, it's not like we could change them.

We had lost a lot of fans and also gained a lot of them, Kais and Jennies relationship had also been revealed to the public, but unlike Lisa and I, they didn't stay together after that, SM forced Kai to break up with Jennie, but she got over him pretty fast. So none of us had to worry about that.

Our fanbase had expanded and we had a lot of fans from outside of Korea, we had fans in America, Europe, Australia almost from everywhere.

Lisa and I could also be more open about our relationship in public, we didn't need to hide that we were dating, we could go on dates, we still had to hide our identity when going out because we didn't want to be recognised.

The both of us were watching a movie at her place. I had cuddled up to her and her arms we around my waist, her finger gently tapping on my hip. Our relationship was going smoothly, ofcourse we had a few fights here and there, but it wasn't anything major.

I suddenly felt Lisas' hand moving down to my thighs and she grabbed them roughly, which caused me to let out a small groan. Her lips moved towards my  neck and she placed an open mouthed kiss onto it. I tried to stay still and not react, but her hands started moving to my private area.

"Lisa, we are watching a movie control yourself a bit" I said to her, she looked at me with a small pout on her lips, I looked away, I wasn't falling for it this time, it worked last time, but it wasn't going to work this time. I focused on the movie and I felt Lisa snuggle closer to me, I wrapped my hands around her and placed my chin on top of her head, and continued watching the movie

"Rosie" Lisa said dragging the e in the end, and looking at me with her cute eyes.

"Yes Lisa"

"I love you baby" and she kissed me, her lips moving in sync with mine, she pulled me on top of her and started kissing me more needy. She put her hands on my shoulders and kept kissing me. I kissed her back and my hands stayed on her waist. We stayed like that for a long time. And needless to say things escalated quickly, and after and hour both of us were laying on the couch naked, out of breath and sweaty.

"Lisa" I turned so I would face her, I cupped her face and looked into her eyes "I love you too"

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