◤two◢ [rewriting]

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Chaeyoung eyed her suspiciously before replying in a curious tone. "What would I need to do as your sugarbaby?"

"Nothing too much, just act as my girlfriend, and in addition I will let your brother fulfil his dream, and of course, you should fulfil your dream too, so those are the rules and all." The girl, now known as Lalisa said while looking at Chaeyoung and shamelessly checking her out.

"That's all? Forreal?" She asked still sounding suspicious, I mean who would trust a random stranger just like that.

"Yeah! I will give you my number because it is obvious that you won't decide tonight." She took out some kind of card and handed it to Chaeyoung. "Here is my number, call me tomorrow and tell me you choice."

And then she just turned around and went back inside, as if nothing just happened. Chaeyoung just stood there for a few moments before realizing that she needd to go back and perform again, so she  just ran.

The rest of the night just went on as usual, as she kept working until 5:30 am.

"Bye! I'm going home now, are you sure that I don't need to give you a ride home?" Soyeon asked while standing at the door and waiting for Chaeyoung to answer.

"No you don't need to give me a ride home, I will get there in like ten or twenty minutes, it's not that far anyways, bye." She replied and continued to pack her things before leaving the place.

an hour later 6:30 am

The alarm went off, again. She got out of bed as quick as possible, because she needed to talk to Lucas about something.

"Wake up! And get ready quickly, I need to talk to you about something." She went out of the bedroom while still being in her pajamas and made breakfast, she just made scrambled eggs with tomatoes as that was the only thing that was left in the fridge. She heard Lucas sitting down at the table behind her and the younger male started talking.

"So, what did you wanted to talk to me about?" He asked while Chaeyoung put the plate of food in front of him and also sat down.

"So I wanted to ask what to you want to do in your life, like um... your dream job or something like that." She awkwardly asked while looking at him.

"Why all of a sudden?" Lucas said while furrowing his brows and taking another spoonful of the scrambled eggs.

"Please, just answer!" She whined and tried to act cute in front of him so he would give her an answer.

"Okay? I guess I would want to be an idol, but that's not important right now, since this dream is impossible, but anyways, why did you want to know?" He dreamily said while eating.

"Oh, I just wanted to know, maybe you could audition? No, forreal, you could."

"Are you okay? I want to earn a lot of money, so I can take care of us."

"Fine~ okay, keep eating now!" Chaeyoung said and started to eat her food too.

to 6:13

Should she agree to the offer? I mean, it would allow her and Lucas to achieve their dreams but what will she have to do as her sugarbaby? All these thought's were running through her head and weren't allowing her to think at all. She took the paper that had her number on it and saved it in her phone as "the offer?" and just texted her.


Hey, its the girl from the club
I was wondering if we could
meet up so we could discuss
the details, because i want to
know what im getting myself
into IF i agree.

Hey, lets meet at the "moon"
cafe and discuss the details
and then you decide

What time then?


K, see ya

After she texted her, she put my phone down and drifted to sleep because she still needed to go to the club later that night and work, as usual.

to 7:23 pm

She woke up from the nap she was having, and saw that her brother wasn't in the room doing his homework as usual, so she assumed he was in the kitchen getting a snack or something else. She got up and went to get her clothes again, she was already so used to this and it wasn't the best thing to get used to, she's just getting used to dressing like a slut, again. She took her outfit and went into the bathroom to change.

This time she was wearing a black velvet dress, pairing that with black high heels and a sexy makeup look. As she looked in the mirror she felt disgusted with herself, again, of what she saw in the mirror. She just want to make their lives happy, the same as they were before their parents death. Why did life have to be so unfair and complicated? Just why?

She got herself together before getting out of the bathroom. She went to grab her coat as she noticed that Lucas coat also wasn't there. She was confused to say the least. Where could have he gone, its so late what is he doing outside? Needless to say she was worried, so she decided to text him.


Hey,where are u?

Im staying at my friends house,
we had todo a project, so we
are staying at his house to do it.
Is it ok?

Yeah, its ok
Just tell me next time ok?

Oky, bye


She put her phone into her purse and went to work, after around sixteen minutes she was already there. She went backstage as usual to get her microphone.

"I heard that there is a new bartender here, apparently he is only eighteen years old. Why would he get this kind of job?" Soyeon said sounded distraught.

"Yeon... I have been working here since I was sixteen almost seventeen, its not big of a difference." Chaeyoung replied while pulling down her dress that continued to ride up her thighs.

"I know, its just, kids his age should go to parties, have a lot of friends get drunk behind their parents back, not work as a bartender at a local club."

"I know Yeon, I know...ok I will go on stage now, bye" She quickly said and went onto the stage again.

After she finished her part she went backstage and told Soyeon that she is going to get a drink, because she was thirsty. I guess she didn't hear her because she just went on stage. But she didn't mind it is loud back there.

She quickly went to the back part of the bartender place to get a drink, she got some cider, because that is the least alcoholic drink back here.

"Oh, you are probably one of the singers, my name is Lucas, what's yours?"

I would really appreciate if the people who are reading this would also vote for it, I am honestly trying my best to make this better and stuff. 

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