◤seven◢ [rewriting]

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Five months, it had been five months and now they were having a comeback, finally. Their song "lovesick girls" had been released a few days ago and became a hit.

Chaeyoung had moved in with the girls and her brother had the house to himself, she still visited him just to make sure he wasnt getting himself in trouble. Lucas had a habit of getting into trouble when she wasnt looking so she had no choice but to check up on him regularly.

Chaeyoung and Lucas were enjoying their food and talking about what they had been up to. How he was trying to balance his trainee life with studying. It was going well thanks to his natural talent in both places. It was pretty obvious that Chaeyoung was proud, her little brother was working hard and achieving his dreams.

After they were done they decided to go for a walk in the nearest park, no-one was ever there so they didnt need to worry about people seeing them or taking pictures. But still just in case Chaeyoung wore a mask and made Lucas wear one too, just in case, but he didnt stop whining about it like a little kid.

"why do I need to wear a mask, I'm not famous and no one even goes to that park, plus its uncomfy"

"just wear the mask, just in case"


Chaeyoung was ripped out of her peaceful breakfast with the girls when her phone suddenly rang. She checked who it was and immediately picked up the phone. "Yes?"

"Don't open any social media apps, I am sending your manager to pick you and your brother up, and again, don't use social media!" She sounded stressed.

"Is there something wrong?" Chaeyoung asked sounding completely confused and furrowed her brows, earnings the attention of the two other girls at the table.

"Yes, but i dont want you to stress out, bye!" Lisa hung up and and Chaeyoung didn't get the chance to say 'bye' back.


"What do you mean I am in a dating scandal, I'm not dating anyone, and with a guy? How is that possible?" Chaeyoung's voice filled the room and she was walking back and forth while looking distressed. "I am in a dating scandal with my brother?!? I didn't know dispatch was so dumb!"

"Chae, please calm down, we just need to make a statement about it and everything will be fine." Lisas voice calmed me down, and she sat back in her chair and let out a loud sigh while closing her eyes.

"I still cant get over the fact that they thought I was dating my brother, how the actual fuck." She still couldn't fully calm down.

"I mean its dispatch what did you expect?"

Chaeyoung suddenly heard steps coming from the other side of the room. The heel clicking stopped behind her and Chaeyoung felt Lisa's hands on my shoulders and a breath brushing my neck. The atmosphere around them suddenly changed, the angry feeling around them turned into something else, something unknown to Roseanne.

"You know I recently have been thinking a lot about...things." Her tone sounded kind of seductive and Chaeyoung's breath got caught in her throat but she tried to not show it.

"And what did you figure out while thinking about these things?" She asked with her voice slightly shaking.

"I realised that i need to be more how do I say it... out there? And I am going to be more like that right now"

And then Chaeyoung felt soft lips pressing onto hers, and it felt like everything stopped in that very moment. Her hands made their way onto her neck and pulled her closer.

Without Chaeyoung realising Lisa was sitting on the chair and Chaeyoung vwas on top of her, one of her hands had made their way under Chaeyoung's shirt while the other one was holding her ass. Chaeyoung's hand made it's way into her hair and pulled it which made Lisa groan a bit in her mouth.

Their little make out session was cut short by somwone knocking on the door and asking to come in. Chaeyoung quickly got off off her and sat in the other chair, while making myself look presentable. "Yes come in."

━ mwuah ❞

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