◤four◢ [rewriting]

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Chaeyoung opened her eyes and winced at the headache she was having, she cursed under her breath and reached out for her phone to check the time. She widened her eyes when she saw the time, 12:36,  they had already overslept for an hour already. Roseanne jumped out of her bed and tripped over her leg, making her fall down with a loud thud

"Lucas, get up! We overslept." He mumbled something along the lines of 'I don't really care' under his nose. She stood up from the ground and shook Lucas awake while yelling for him to wake up.

"What?" He groggily asked while opening his eyes.

"Start getting ready, I'm going to make breakfast!" She went out of the room and started making breakfast. She made some sunnyside up eggs and cut some avacados for Lucas, after that she cut some tomatoes for herself. When she was almost done Lucas walked into the kitchen and sat down. When Chaeyoung had finished making the food, she put it on the table and the two of them started eating. When they were done, Chaeyoung got up and walked to the room so she could put on different clothes, while Lucas started washing the dishes.

She put on a grey tennis skirt and a white button up shirt, that she tucked in. She found a pair of grey thigh-high socks and a beret in the same color to match the rest of the outfit. When she was done with the outfit, she walked out of the room and saw that Lucas was patiently waiting for her. 

She quickly called a taxi and after that she put on her shoes, while waiting for the taxi to arrive. When they left the small flat Chaeyoung didn't forget to lock the door and did a double check if she had taken everything. When they walked outside the taxi was already there and they got in.

"To the moon café please!" Chaeyoung said with a bright smile. The taxi driver just ndded his head and started driving.

"Why are we going to the Moon Café, it's for rich peoples." Lucas quietly whispered while looking at Chaeyoung slightly confused.

She sighed as he said those words, she just didn't have the courage to tell him what she was about to do to make their lives better. "You will understand when we get there."

During their conversation, they had already gotten to the average part of the city. If their parents would still be alive they could live like this, but that's something that never happened again and will never happen again. She kept floating in her thoughts about if this was the right thing to do, and how life would have been if their parents would still be alive. She really missed them, but everything happens for a reason. Right?

While she was thinking about those thing we had already gotten to the Moon Café in the rich part of the city, where only the wealthiest could afford to live."We are here, that will be 72017.21₩"

"Here you go, thank you for the ride sir" They got out of the car, she made sure that outfit was as neat as possible and it didn't let people know that she was poor.

She took a deep breath "Let's go in Lucas" and with that we went inside. I looked around to see Lisa. After a bit I saw her and pulled Lucas with me when going to her.


"Hi, you are finally here. You are late by six minutes." She said while checking the time on her wristwatch that looked like it was worth thousands.

"Just, six minutes" I sat down and pulled Lucas with me. As soon as we did that a waitress came up to us and asked if we would want something. "Oh no thank you."

"Just get a juice or something at least, I will pay" Lisa insisted.

"Are you sure you are okay with that?" Chaeyoung jus wanted to make sure that it was okay with Lisa.

"Do you think I'm poor or something?" Lisa acted offended and raised her brow while waiting for an answer from the singer.

"No of course not, I just... nevermind."

"Order a drink. Now." Lisa ordered and Chaeyoung pouted in response, so bossy.

"Okay, okay, I will have pineapple juice." 

"I will have, uh strawberry milk I guess?" Lucas replied, still not really sure what was going on between the two girls.

"Pineapple juice and strawberry milk coming right up" the waitress then walked away, and as soon as she did that Lisa gave her the contract "here it is, let me know if you are comfortable with everything" and she started reading the contract.

Contract agreement

The agreement is made on 29/08/2020

1.The first party Lalisa Manoban
2.The second party Park Chaeyoung

The first party agrees that they will fulfil the second party's dreams and take the same care of her and her family [brother Wong Yukhei].

The second party agrees to act like first party's s/o on important meetings, gatherings etc. while fulfilling her dreams.

Other terms between the parties: always fulfil their side of the contract, if it is unfulfilled, the contracted it terminated with a 669405.87₩ fee.
(Exceptions for unfulfilling the terms are health issues and family members death)

the both party's sign here.

After going through the contract a few times and not seeing anything wrong with it she finally answered. "I agree, do we sign here or with a lawyer?"

"The lawyer already has went through it, and everything is legal with no loop holes."

"But the taking care of us, what do you mean by that?"

"Getting you a house to live in, money to buy food, clothes and paying for education"

"Okay, I think there is nothing wrong with it, and since a lawyer has went through this it should be..." She was about to finish but Lucas interrupted me and asked if he could go through it, she said that he can, and he read through the contract a few times.

"Doesn't look like anything is wrong, but are you sure you want to do this"

"Yes, I'm sure" And with that they finished signing the contacts and went their own different ways for the rest of the day.

"Are you sure you won't regret this?"

"Only time will show the answer."

is the rewritten version better? 

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