[𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍]

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It was the most wondeful time of the year, a time where even adults belived in miracles

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It was the most wondeful time of the year, a time where even adults belived in miracles.

It was Christmas.

Chrismas songs were playing everywhere, sadly it hadn't snown yet, but the Christmas spirit was still in the air, making everyone happy.

Jennie and I were making gingerbread cookies, alongside with some Christmas cookies, to decorate. Jisoo had gone out to get some f☻︎od to eat, since we were to lazy to make those, sadly Lisa couldn't show up, she was too busy with the company amd everything, she was busy but I was sad, because it was the time of the year where you can spend a lot of time with your loved ones, but I cant blame her, taking care of a company was hard enough.

Jennie and Jisoo started dating, which acually came as a big suprise, because they dated guys in the past, and they had never acually talked about their sexuality. Everyone accepted them, only some people in public and Jisoos' family, her siblings were supportive, but her parents were extremly mad about the fact that their daughter was apearantly ruining their familys' reputation. Which is very disgusting of them, if I might add.

"Chae, you okay? You look like you zoned out." Jennie said waving her hand in front of me.

"Sorry, i was just... thinking"

"Okay, we need to start baking the cookies, or we will get to eat them at like 11 pm, and we havr planned to watch Harry Potter, i know nothing to do with Christmas, but we just wanted to watch it"

" So you basically mean I will be third-wheeling"

"It's not my fault Lisa is busy, and it is rare that we even get to talk, you are always at the company helping her, and if she would be here you would be ingnoring Jisoo and I, honestly if I didn't know both of you personally, I would think you guys are dating" the last sentence caught me offguard, because I wondered if it really is how it looks like.

"Well, we are not" i mumbleded to myself 'sadly' making sure Jennie didn't hear me. I looked outside and I saw something I did and didn't expect at the same time. But I was happy about it "Look its snowing!"

A smile was seen on both of our faces, this was exactly what we needed on Christmas, just sad that Lisa wasnt here.

"I'm back! And i brought food" we heard Jisoo tell from the door. She trew the food on the table, and walked over to Jennie and gave her a little peck.

"Wow, a good way to make me feel single, anyways lets bake the cookies!"


We had finished eating dinner and were already watching the third Harry Potter movie. Both of them were cuddled up under the blanket, didn't want to know whats going under there. I was focusing on the movie, it was almost the end of the movie and I started hearing soft snores next to me, both of them had fallen asleep.

I decided to go outside, it looked nice out there. I put on my winter clothes and went into the backyard. I found a place to sit and started staring up in the sky. The delicate snowflakes were slowly falling onto my face ,making me feel like I was in a fairytale, waiting for the person I love to show up and have a romantic first kiss, while the gentle moonlight would make everything look magical, and the cristmas lights would give the Christmas miracle. But who was I kidding, the person I loved would never feel the same for me, she was too good for me, damn, she was too good for anyone.

I started thinking, when she smiled every single worry would just go away, everytime she would hug me or give me a friendly kiss on the cheek, I would feel butterflies, fuck it the whole fucking zoo in my stomack. When she laughed her nose did the scrunch, and it made her look cute. Whenever she danced, the way her body moved while doing so, it made her look so desireable and angelic. Even the way she walked was out of this world, the way her goergous legs carried her. She was just perfect in every way posdible.

Without me knowing tears started to swell in my eyes, and knowing I was alone here, I allowed them to come out. They started to roll uncontrolably down my face.

"Why did I have to like someone, that is so out of my reach. I could have fallen for anybody else, but it just had to be THE Lalisa Manoban, an acual godess, why did it have to be her. I hate it so fucking much, I hate myself and I hate her, Lalisa Manoban, fuck you, couldn't you have been a little bit imperfect, but no god just had to make you perfect" I was starting ro choke on my words because I was crying so hard "like why couldn't it be someone else, and the fact that she is naturally a really touchy person isn't fucking helping, just why"

"Fuck this, I am going to sleep" I got up and as I turned aroumd there was the person I was happy to see and wasn't. There was Lisa standing tere staring at me, like she saw a ghost.

"Is that really what you think of me?" she said looking straight into my eyes, as if she was trying to figure out what I was thinking.

"You probably heard the entire thing, why are you even asking"

"I dont know, just want to make sure."

"Why would you want to make sure, its not like you love me back or something" I knew I sounded annoyed, but I was.

"How would you know how I feel? Its not like you ask." She snapped back.

"Ok so, how do you feel?"

"I feel the same"

I was pretty sure my mouth dropped open at that moment, but I wasn't sure. I looked into her eyes just to make sure she wasn't joking. She was looking back at me with a serious gaze. "You aren't joking right?

"Why would I joke about something like this?"

"With you, I can never be sure"

She walked closer to me and cupped my face. She started slowly leaning in and soon her lips met mine. They were so soft and gentle, but at the same time demanding. She slowly started to move her lips and I followed her lead. It felt like the best thing in the whole entire world. Her lips against mine, it felt just like it was meant to be. I felt her gently pulling away and I opened my eyes.

"Are you sure now?"

"Are you sure now?"

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Merry Christmas everyone, i dont know if it's Christmas for you yet, but it is for me.
I hope all of you get amazing presents or whatever you want.

by the way this isn't related to the acual story at all.

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