◤nine◢ [rewriting]

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"NO! Don't do that pose, it looks stiff do them naturally, look at the camera and try again, we don't have all day" the photographer yelled at her again and she continued to try and act more natural. "okay, it's a lot better now,keep going like this, yess exactly like that"

"And we are done today, great work everyone, thank you Chaeypung for deciding to work with us, bye now, I have more work to do" the photographer packed up and went out of the room. Chaeyoung's manager called her over to her changing room, and handed her the clothes and shr quicly changed, so he didn't have to wait for her for too long.

She went out of the changing room and her manager led her to the van. When they got in it he started driving. When they were almost back to the dorm Chaeyoung go a text from Lisa.

Hey, I am back at Korea,
I was wondering if you
would maybe want to go
on a date? or maybe just
meet up? i dont know
how this works.

Yes, I would love to go on
a date with you.

OK, I'm picking you up at
8pm, wear something

Will do

Unknowingly a smile had crept onto her face while texting her boss, she looked up and saw her manager looking at her with a knowing look. "Does the CEO know about this? I know relationships are allowed, but does she know"

"Yes she knows, there is no need to worry, anyways I should get in, bye" she got out of the car and went inside their dorm, she saw both Jisoo and Jennie sitting there and saw this as a chance to ask for help. "Hey girls, I'm back"

"Hey, by the way lunch in on the table" Jennie said back. 

"Acually, I kinda need help, I am going on a date, I mean I guess it's date, and I don't know what to wear, I mean I need to wear something fancy, but I don't  know what and I was hoping you guys could help me get ready and stuff, I haven't ever really been on a date. I mean you don't need to force yourself to help me, I would just really apriciate the help, but..." She continued to stammer over her words, not knowing what to ask and what to do.

"Don't worry Chae, we will help you, but who is it?" Jisoo cut in reassuring her that everything will be just fine.

"When she will pick me you guys will know"

"Oooh, it's a she, Jisoo you owe me 5 bucks" Jennie reached out her hand and Jisoo gave her five bucks with an annoyed face. "Anyways, we should get you ready for this date"


She was stressing out a lot, like a lot, both of them had made Chaeyoung look really good, her hair was in a low, loose bun with a few strands of hair sticking out in the front, Jennie had put light makeup onto her, and she was wearing a black dress, that reached til her midthigh. Her heels were black with a silver heel, matching with her jewlery. Jisoo had also painted her nails black, in order for the look to be complete.

She heard a car pull up in the driveway and she realised that Lisa was here, and then she started thinking, if I should go outside, or wait for her to ring the doorbell. She got her answer shortly, when she heard the doorbell ring, she ran up to the door and opened it, and there she was, standing there with her short, black hair  reaching her shoulders. She was wearing a black, loose suit with a tight, black croptop under it, and also tall high heels.

"Are you going to keep staring"

"I'm not staring, i'm... gazing"

"whatever you say Chae, you know you should take a coat, it's winter after all"

"Chae, is your date he- holy shi- oh sh- fuc- hi boss" Jennie quicly bowed "what are you doing here, if I might ask?"

"Well, what do you think I'm doing here Jennie"

"I don't  kno- wait... are you Chaeyoungs date?"

"You are absolutely right, now, Chae shall we get going" she handed her out with a tiny dramatic effect, Chaeyoung felt her cheeks blush madly, but she tried to stay confident and gave Lisa her hand.

"Yes we shall, miss Lalisa Manoban"


"It was really nice you know? The date"

"I tried to make it nice" 

They were quietly walking through an abandoned park because there was nowhere else we could walk, people would be everywhere. They were holding hands, her hands were really nice and smooth, it was... comfortable. It acually felt like they had known eachother for ages, even though they haven't.

"Should we sit down?" Lisa asked lodly enough for Chaeyoung to hear what she was saying. She nodded in response and they sat down on the nearest bench. It was so quiet, but it was the nice kind of quiet. Both of them sat like that in silence, before Lisa started speaking.

"Chae, I wanted to ask you something."

"Oh, what is it?"

"I know we know eachother only for a few months, but I feel like this is the right thing to do, I just feel so calm when I am with you, you make me feel safe nad you make me feel loved, so Park Chaeyoung, will you be my girlfriend"

"yes, yes I will" She replied with a smile on her face. Lisas face lit up and she leaned in for a kiss. It was more gentle then the kisses they had before, it was calm and collected, but most importantly filled with this strong emotion called love.


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