◤five◢ [rewriting]

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They had already started packing for tomorrow, they were supposed to be picked up tommorow at 1 pm. Its not like they had a lot of things to pack, but it was better to pack everything today so they can be calmer tommorow and sleep without worries.

They were done with everything right before dinner. They decided to order some ramen with side dishes since its their last day here and a new beggining was waiting for them tomorrow. While waiting for the delivery to arrive Lucas and Chaeyoung talked about his education and what he wants to do in the future. They chatted like that for some time until the doorbell interupted them.

She got up grabbed her wallet and went to open the door. She paid for it and thanked the delivery guy. As soon as he walked away she locked the door with both locks and went back and sat down next to Lucas.

They started eating and spent a lot of time in the kitchen until they fell asleep on the kitchen floor.


"So this is where you will be staying, pick out your rooms, and then you will be taken to shop for room decor and stuff, I don't have time for that so you guys will go alone, that car" she pointed out of the window "will take you there. I will give you a credit card, there is no limit of how much money you can spend, just get what you want for the rooms. Now I will get going." She started walking around and then she turned around and looked straight into Chaeyoung's eyes. "By the way, the first event is today, some stylists will come over and get you ready for it." and with that, she left.


She had finished decorating her room. She loved it, it was just perfect for her, the room was decorated in a cute way with a few plushies being neatly put on the bed together with a few decorative pillows.

She was waiting for the stylists to show up and while doing that she decided to also put LED lights around her full body length mirror that was put up in the corner of the room, just so it wouldn't look boring. When she was already done, she heard ringing at the door. She went to open the door and let them in. They went into a room she hadn't been in yet and they started getting her ready.

After about two hours she was ready. They had dyed her hair it wasn't black anymore, it was red now. They didn't go too crazy on the hair and she loved it.

She was wearing a black silk dress that reached under her knee and an open back that was decorated with thin silver chains. it was paired with black heels that had a few silver elements in the heel and the ancle strap.

She was picked up by Lisa, needless to say she looked dashing... coming from a fully straight girl. The way the black dress hugged her slender figure, it was just something you couldn't keep your eyes off of. Her black hair flowing almost down to her lower back and her bangs making it all look even better.

"Are you gonna just stare at me or get in the car?" Lisa asked her with a rasied brow.

She flushed and immediately got into the car next to her, thank God she had makeup on or she would have probably seen her blush and that was not going to happen. Ever.

She looked at her and checked if she was looking presentable. She looked at me and leaned closer. Chaeyoung started panicking, like really bad.

"Oh, right I need to give you these earrings. So you match with me somehow" she said and pulled out a black box. She opened it and there were gorgeous rose gold earrings with butterflies, they looked amazing. "Put them on" Lisa handed over the box and Chaeyoung put them on.

"But how does it match with you?"

"I have butterflies on my shoes, duh. Are you blind or something? You stared at me but you didn't notice my shoes." She said with sass in her voice.

"I didn't stare at you, I just... zoned out, yeah I zoned out" She wanted to slap herself, she was such a horrible liar. But she just heard Lisa giggle and she felt so embarrassed and she just wanted to disappear from this planet.

When they were already there they got out of the car and Lisa put her hand around Chaeyoung's waist. "Keep close, some people here aren't the best to be around" she whispered just so she would hear it. Chaeyoung gave her a little nod and they walked inside. They were greeted by the host. It was a middle aged man she had seen him somewhere but she couldn't recall the exact moment so she just brushed it off.

After that they just went further inside and Lisa started talking to people and Chaeyoung just politely bowed and showed respect to them, as they were people with reputation and money, she didn't want to be disrespectful towards them in any way.

"My little Lisa" Chaeyoung suddenly heard a guy say from behind them. She turned around in suprise and she was facing an extremely handsome guy, she felt herself blush a little.

"Joon, how you doing" she said with her usual swag.

"Aren't you going to give your big brother a hug?" He said with a little pout forming on his face.

"Namjoon, there are people here, it would be inappropriate for this particular event." The guy looked disappointed, but she saw Lisa smirk a little. "I'm just kidding, I would never miss an opportunity to hug my favourite brother"

Oh, so he was her brother. She didn't need to worry about him being my compoti-. Wait, what the hell was she thinking. Competition? For real Roseanne Park? She felt disappointed in herself, how could she even have a thought like that.

"And who is this pretty girl?" Chaeyoung got pulled out from her trance by Lisas' older brother talking.

"Who? Me?" She asked looking straight into his eyes.

"Who else is here with my sister? I only see you at the moment." He said and she could feel a hint of humour in his voice.

"Oh, I am Park Chaeyoung and I am..." She trailed off looking at Lisa for help. She took the hint and helped her out.

"She is my girlfriend and a new trainee at Night entertainment" she said without a slightest suspicion.

"When are you planing to let her debut?"

"I'm thinking after a month, her vocals are amazing and she will fit together with Jennie and Jisoo. Both in visuals and vocals. We need at least two weeks on getting her to become a good dancer so she can be the lead dancer. Two weeks will be for recording their new song and their music video. I am planning to put her in one group with the two Kims, so we will have a photoshoot for the lineup tomorrow, I will be announcing the line-up that day too. And so on, the rest of the girls will be in another group and will debut a month later." she finished her talking and Cheayoung was surprised how was she going to learn how to dance so quickly.

"Won't they be rivals in the industry?" Namjoon was completely confused.

"I have already thought of that, they will have different concepts so people can't compare them to each other." Lisa said with a confident smile.

Damn that confidence was so hot. She honestly can't believe that she was getting turned on by a girl. She really suprise herself every day. But damn. She was checking her out, without any shame.

"I know you guys are dating but Chae, can't you save those looks for the bedroom." Namjoon said in a teasing manner.

"I honestly don't know what you are talking about." She said trying to look as clueless as possible. But she was clearly failing as a shy smile plastered her face.

"Roseanne Park, that's my brother, you can't talk so openly about that" Lisa said faking a completely shocked face.

"We aren't even in that state yet!" Chaeyoung played along.

"You are going to deny it now??" She said as she grabbed her heart as if she was shocked. Chaeyoung let out a small laugh. "Are you going to call me a liar?" She said, trying to act more shocked.

"You girls really don't take things seriously." Namjoon said laughing along with them.

And the rest of the night went like that, with laughs and a few drinks, Chaeyoung hadn't had that much fun in a long time.

thank you all for reading???

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