◤eleven◢ [rewriting]

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[they are gonna bingle bangle so you are warned]

A month, a whole month had passed, there were people who accepted their relationship and people who didn't, that's just how the world works, everyone has different beliefs, of course some of them are wrong, but it's not like we could change them.

They had lost a lot of fans and also gained a lot of them, Kais and Jennies relationship had also been revealed to the public, but unlike Lisa and Chaeyoung, they didn't stay together after that, SM forced Kai to break up with Jennie, but she got over him pretty fast. So none of them had to worry about that.

Our fanbase had expanded and we had a lot of fans from outside of Korea, we had fans in America, Europe, Australia and from other continents.

Lisa and Chaeyoung could also be more open about their relationship in public, they didn't need to hide that they were dating, they could go on dates, the couple still had to hide their identity when going out because they didn't want to be recognised.

The both of them were watching a movie at Lisa's place. Chaeyoung had cuddled up to her and Lisa's arms were around her waist, her finger gently tapping on Chaeyoung's hip. Their relationship was going smoothly, of course they had a few fights here and there, but it wasn't anything major.

Chaeyoung suddenly felt Lisas' hand moving down to her thighs and she grabbed them roughly, which caused her to let out a small groan. Her lips moved towards her neck and she placed open mouthed kiss onto it. She tried to stay still and not react, but her hands started moving to her private area.

"Lisa, we are watching a movie control yourself a bit" Chaeyoung said to her, she looked at her with a small pout on her lips. Chaeyoung looked away, she wasn't falling for it this time, it worked last time, but it wasn't going to work this time. She focused on the movie and she felt Lisa snuggle closer to her, she wrapped her hands around her and placed her chin on top of her head, and continued watching the movie

"Rosie" Lisa said dragging the e in the end, and looking at Chaeyoung with her cute eyes.

"Yes Lisa"

"I love you baby" and with that she kissed Chaeyoung. She yelped at first but started kissing back as she had recovered from the initial shock, putting all of her emotions in the kiss.

Lisa's hand traveled in between her legs and one of her fingers slipped in Chaeyoung's underwear and started to effortlessly rub her clit. Chaeyoung whimpered in the kiss and she pulled on her hair, making her groan in the kiss.

Lisa bit the other girls lower lip and immediately pushed her wet tongue inside Chaeyoung's mouth. She aggressively explored Chaeyoung's mouth, sucking on her tongue from time to time.

Chaeyoung was whimpering under her from the stimulation that Lisa's finger was giving her and could not stop the noises coming out of her mouth. She moved her hips against Lisa for more pleasure, at this point she was ready to do anything just to reach her high, she was desperate for her release.

Lisa broke the kiss and started trailing lower and removed their clothes one by one. Chaeyoung was starting to get impatient so she helped Lisa remove the clothes that was keeping them from exploring each other intimately again.

Soon the both of them were naked and Lisa was already thrusting her fingers into Chaeyoung's wet hole. Chaeyoung's high-pitched moans were echoing through the room and the cum from all the times she had already came decorating the inside of her thighs.

Chaeyoung was about to cum again, but Lisa pulled out her fingers making Chaeyoung wine and frustration from the loss from the fingers inside of her, but she soon felt the feeling again, this time it was Lisa's tongue inside of her.

The cold tongue piercing that she had recently gotten was making her feel even more aroused than before as Lisa lickd a stripe across her cunt, forcing her to moan at the ecstatic feeling. Her moans became louder as Lisa had starting eating her juices and moving her tongue in a vibrating motion and it took a short time for Chaeyoung to cum again, for the last time.

Lisa licked her clean and swallowed all over the juices she had produced in the past two hours. Chaeyoung was exhausted from all the pleasure she had received and could not move.

Lisa laid down next to her and wrapped her arms around her waist, pulling her closer. Chaeyoung smiled due to the love Lisa was showering her with, and she was happy.

"Lisa, I love you too." It was the last thing she said before the drifting to sleep with the wide smile on her face.

and this is the end, thank you so much to everybody that was rereading this version, I hope that you thought it was better than the original one. thank you and bye for now!!

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