◤eight◢ [rewriting]

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It had been a month, and everything was going perfectly fine, no more scandals. Jennie was dating someone, but she didn't tell the girls who because she doesn't know if it will last'.

Lisa and Chaeyoung were having these small makeout session at any place they could have them, but they weren't dating. They were both too busy for a relationship. And Chaeyoung was still going with her on private business meeting, because she was an idol and if she went to public meetings rumours would surface and it could destroy her reputation as an idol.

Jennie was preparing for her solo debut, she was working really hard so it would be perfect, she didn't even allow them to see it or hear it, she said that they can hear it when its out on the internet.

Jisoo and Chaeyoung were eating dinner, Jennie still wasn't back.

"Chae, who do you think she is dating? I'm really want to knoooow"

"I kinda have a feeling its someone from SM she kinda has been listening to SM groups a lot, and I kinda just get the feeling"

"Well I had a feeling its someone from JYP, i mean she has GOT7 as her home screen picture so i don't know"

"I mean it her life, i think we should let her tell us when she is ready to do that"

"I know, I'm just...curious, I mean she never keeps secrets from me, I guess I'm a bit hurt by that"

And then they continued eating, they were eating peacefully up until the door to their dorm opened and there were quiet voices coming from the door.

"shh, be quiet, they will hear you"

"We could have went to my dorm, we wouldn't have to sneak in then"

Jisoo shot Chae a knowing look and both of them quietly made their way towards the door, and there the were, Jennie and her boyfriend, Kai.

"Jennie, where were you? You missed dinner" Chaeyoung asked, looking at her with a serious face, trying to look intimidating. She let out a small yelp and turned around.

"Well, you see, umm, I was eating out, yeah i was eating out and, and I bumped into Kai and and, uhh"

Jisoo started laughing and her trying to explain herself, and soon Chaeyoung started laughing too.

"Well this was not how I imagined meeting your boyfriend, Jen" Chaeyoung said after she finally stopped laughing.

"Wait, noone followed you guys right? Noone suspisious, no cameras no flasher, no-" Jisoo was cut off by Jennie speaking.

"Nop, noone, and we were both completly covered up they wouldnt have recognised us anyways"

"Jen, I got in a 'dating scandal' with my brother and we both were completly covered up, dont be so sure" Chae and Jisoo were completly serious now.

"Its not that big of a deal, and besides its dark outside, who would follow someone in the dark"

"I dont know Jennie, maybe saesangs, just go to your room and dont be too loud, Jisoo has a photoshoot tommorrow and she has to get up early" and with that both of them rushed upstairs. Jisoo and Chaeyoung finished eating and went to their rooms, she went upstairs, but Chaeyoung was staying downstairs, there weren't any empty rooms upstairs so she took the one downstairs.

She got ready for bed and snuggled into her soft bed, and decided to stay on tiktok for a little bit. When she was scrolling through there she saw a lot of their edits, and XILER edits too, blink and serial killers were talented, there were dance covers and song covers, she felt proud.

Just as she was about to put my phone down Chaeyoung got a call.

Incoming call from
Lalisa M

accept decline


"hey, why did you call?"

"I dont know, I guess I just wanted to hear your voice"

"haha, very funny"

"im not joking, I havent seen you for a whole week now, and that because of these meeting abroad"

Chaeyoung could just feel her pouting on the other side of the phone, it was probably 1pm there, if she did her math correctly, it was 3am here, so it was probably like that

"wait its 3am for you, what are you doing up so late?"

"I was scrolling on tiktok, you know our fans are really *yawn* talanted"

"Chae, you need to go to sleep, its late"

"No im not tired anymore"

"Chae, it late you need to- oh I guess you fell asleep I can hear you snoring, goodnight bub"

thoughts on the new cover?

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