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Rosé's pov

I quicly went to the back part of the bartender place to get a drink, i got some cider, because that is the least alcholic drink back here.

?: oh, you are probably one of the singers, my name is Lucas, whats yours?

I froze from shock as i heard his voice, i was shocked. After i realised what was going on i turned around and calmly tried to talk to him.

Me: So this is your "friends" house huh? Didnt know a club was suddenly a friends house.

I saw how he looked at me in shock when he realised who i was, i saw the color leaving his face from fear of how mad i might get.

Lucas: I- I- I j-just thought i could h-h-help with the money. You were just having such a hard i knew i needed to help

Me: No! You should focus on getting your education. I am the one taking care of U S while you try to get
Y O U R education. I am supposed to be the one ruining my future, not

Lucas: but you are having such a hard time with this, i just wanted to help.

Me: we are going home, and dont talk back, all this is enough, go put on your normal clothes, and wait for me at the bar. N O W

Lucas: ok.... but i was just trying to help...

I turned around and went straight to bossed office. I was furious, but I tried to hide it. I literally bursted the bosses door open.

Me: BamBam! [imagine her saying that angrily]

Bambam: what?

Me: why did you hire my brother, out of all the people my brother! What the hell bro, thats not cool.

Bam: your brother? your brother is sixteen, we dont have anyone under the age of 18 here.

Me: oh, so my brother lied about his age, he is so dead.

I think he could acually see the fumes coming out of my ears, as i angrily stomped to his desk and slammed my hands on his desk.

Me: well even tho he lied about his age, he definetly isnt working here anymore, and next time ask for documents.

Bam: you literally work here since you were 16.

Me: i dont want my brother going thru the same things i did, his life is supposed to be easier. We are both off

I pushed off his desk and went out while slamming the doors loudly. I quicly went backstage, grabbed my coat and went to the bar.

Me: Lucas, get up, NOW. We are going home.

Lucas: ok, sis.

Me: dont sis me now.

I grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him out of the club as fast as possible, gladly nobody really pays attention to anything else then the performer so, we were good.

When we got out of the club and i started angrily staring at Lucas, who looks scared, like, really scared.

Me: you are never EVER pulling anything like this, do you understand?

Lucas: ..... yes......

Me: and now we will go home and sleep so you can get ready for school.

We started wanking an i decided to text the girl, what was her name again, oh yeah Lisa.

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