◤one◢ [rewriting]

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"I know that this is sudden, but seeing the job that you have right now with such an amazing and unique voice, I just need to ask you to be my sugar baby. You can become a kpop idol and show your talent to the world!"

"I don't even know who you are!" Chaeyoung said while looking weirded out and slightly angry.

"My name is Lalisa Manoban and I am the CEO of Night entertainment, now answer the question!"

that morning at 6:30 am

Rosé got out of the bed while rubbing her eyes to free herself from the sleep that she had in her eyes. Another day of working two jobs that she absolutely hates. She had met enough creeps in the past week and it had honestly became annoying. Of course, she did need that job to pay for her brothers education so he could have a better life than her, she would have probably left that job month's ago if it wasn't for this exact reason. Paying for someones education was expensive, so she had no other choice but to do her job.

She had done things that she regretted just so her brother could get proper education. She went up to Lucas' bed and gently started to shake him so he would wake up.

"Lucas, wake up!" She sweetly said while showing him a tired smile. "Start getting ready."

"Okay noona, I will." He sounded sleepy and his eyes looked heavy, but he obeyed his sisters words and started getting up

"I will start making breakfast" She sat up and went to the small kitchen they had, even with her two jobs she couldn't afford very much. The paint from the walls was falling off in small pieces and it looked like the place could collapse at any moment.

When she was in the kitchen she took three eggs and fried them on the pan, while they were frying she took out three slices of bread and propped them on two individual plates. When the eggs were done she placed them on the sliced bread - two for Lucas, one for her.

"Breakfast is ready!" She loudly yelled while sitting down at the table and starting to eat her portion of the food.

Lucas rushed into the kitchen and started devouring his breakfast in silence. After the two were done Chaeyoung gave Lucas his lunch, which consisted of just plain rice.

"Have a good day at school and try not to cause any trouble, okay?" She said while giving him a concerned look.

"Okay, bye now." He said and rushed out of the small flat they were living in, not even waiting for Chaeyoung to say 'bye' back.

one hour later, 7:30 am

She was taking people's orders and making their drinks that they had ordered. She was tired and her eyes looked droppy and it seemed like she could fall asleep at any given moment, she had only slept for and hour after coming back from her job at the bar last night.

"Hi baby, what is a pretty girl like you doing here? Mind having some fun?" The customer that she was taking an order from at the moment said and she cringed at how confident and creepy he sounded.

"Sorry sir, but I am working right now and I would really appreciate if you would allow me to do my job." She said while putting on a fake smile, she could not afford to lose this job, so she had to keep calm no matter how much she wanted to punch him in the face. She did not want to do the desperate things she did when she was sixteen.

"Baby, there is no need to play hard to get, we all know that girls like you want me" He said while trying to lean closer to her, but before he could get too close, Chaeyoung handed him his drink and replied.

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