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Today was the day, the day where Lisa would announce our line-up. We had the photoshoot yesterday, and the girls haven't met me yet. Needless to say I was nervous.

I picked out an outfit that I would feel comfortable in. I decided to go for black sweatpants and a black cropped hoodie paired with black Adidas sneakers. Trew my hair in a high ponytail and put a tiny bit of make-up on and I was ready. Now it was time to go.


I was standing next to five other girls, who were all looking at me looking kind of angry. I mean I understood that they hand probably trained for years and now me, a completely new trainee was going to debut, without almost any training. I can't say I blamed them.

We were just standing there completely silent waiting for Lisa to show up and after ten minutes she did. She walked in looking amazing as always. She was wearing black skinny jeans with a dark blue blouse. She also had high heels on they made her legs look even taller then they already were.

"Hello, everyone. As you all understood from gathering here today, I will be announcing the final line-up. Now this may come as a suprise to all of you but me and the rest of the shareholders decided to debut two groups. One debuting next month, and the other one after three months.

"The girls debuting next month are Jennie, Jisoo and our new trainee Chaeyoung. The rest of you, Minnie, Aisha and Soojin, will debut after three months. There is a possibility that someone might be joining the second line-up. Now Jennie, Jisoo and Chaeyoung will come with me to further discuss the details, while the rest of you keep practicing your dance skills. Chop, chop, go on." The three of us followed her to her office. And soon wee were there. She signalled for us to sit we took a seat on the couch and she started talking again.

"So, the first thing we need is a group name, we were thinking something like BLACKPINK or PINKPUNK. So you guys could have two concepts dark and cute, it would be really good for attracting different people and your fanbase would be more diverse. What are you thoughts on this?"

"Well I personally think that BLACKPINK is a petter name because PINKPUNK sounds a little bit weird and... well... childish" Jennie said trying to find the right words. I saw Jisoo nodding next to her.

"What do you think Chaeyoung?" Jisoo suddenly asked me.

"Well, ummm I must agree that BLACKPINK is better, and it is more diverse than PINKPUNK, like it sounds like a cute group. And blackpink sounds better itself."

"It's decided then, BLACKPINK it is."


The whole month went by really quickly. Instead of being the lead dancer, I was the main dancer, which came as a suprise, my dance skills developed really fast and I had become a better dancer than Jennie.

Jennie was the main rapper and lead dancer. Jisoo was the main vocal, lead rapper and visual, while I was the main dancer and lead vocal. All of us had become pretty close in the two weeks we were practicing for our debut single. They were extremely nice and they actually didn't think differently of me just because I was a new trainee and was debuting so fast. They knew that to debut so fast you needed to have talent and they didn't doubt that their CEO had picked an amazing person for this.

We had already shot our concept photos and they were supposed to be released tomorrow. We had also recorded the song the only thing left was to shoot our music video.

Concept photos

________Concept photos

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