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"ofcourse i have, then will you become my sugarbaby or nah? I dont have time to waste, i could go and drink as much as i want rn!"

"I dont even know you!!! How am i supposed to agree? I dont even know your name!"

"My name is Lisa, and now answer my question!"

This morning at 6:30 am

I got out of bed, another night to work, i hope there arent any weirdos in the club today, there were enough yesterday. I understand that they are drunk, but that doesnt give them the right to cat call me every second of my working hours, like I ACUALLY need this job to pay for my brothers education, so he can have a better life then me, where he doesnt need to worry about his life expenses every second of the day.

I have done things that i regret for us to have a home to stay in.

I went up to Lucas bed and started to wake him up (we live in the same room)

Me: Lucas, wake up! *i said sweetly* its time for school, start getting ready...

Lucas: okay noona, i will! *he said while still being tired*

Me: i will go make breakfast...

I got up and went to the small kitchen we had, even with my two jobs i still have problems paying our bills, so we live poorly, this is one of the poorest parts of town. In the kitchen i took 3 eggs and made them on the pan, while they were cooking i took out 3 slices of bread, when the eggs were ready i put one egg on each slice, two for Lucas and one for me.

Me: breakfast is readyyy! *i called him loudly*

Lucas quicly came into the kitchen and we started eating breakfast in silence, we quicly finished and i gave Lucas his lunch (just plain rice).

Me: have a good day at school, remember to listen to the teacher well, so you can live better than us now, ok?

Lucas: okay noona, bye!

Me: bye!

an hour later

I was taking peoples orders, and quicly making their drink, i was so tired i have only slept an hour today after i came back from the club.

Ramdom dude: hey girl! Wanna have some fun?

One of the customers said while i was taking their coffee order.

Me: im sorry sir, but im working right now, so please leave me alone

I said while faking a smile on my face, i cant do anything even slightly rude, even if it was hurting my pride. I couldnt lose this job, i needed money, and i dpnt want to so what i did 3 years ago while i was still 16, but we were in need of money so i had to do it.

Ram.dude: oh, honey, you dont need to play hard to get, we all know girls like you want me..

Me: sir, your coffee is ready, enjoy yoir drink!

The guy just looked at me weirdly, but i was used to it. As a pretty worker i got this bullshit everyday, science the day i started working here, whick are almost 3 years, but in my night job its worst, much worse

Time skip to 6pm

My work at starbucks was finnaly over i could go home and sleep for 2 and a half hours, i quicly went home and ate the rice that was for lunch, put my clothes for my night job on the chair next to me, set my alarm to 8:25pm and went to sleep.

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