◤three◢ [rewriting]

141 13 0

She froze from the shock as she heard the voice say from behind her. After she came back to her senses she turned around and calmly asked a question.

"So this is your friend's house? I had no idea the club was suddenly a friend's house." She said with irony in her voice while turning around to face him. He looked at her in shock and the colour left his face and fear and how mad she could get.

"I just thought i could help with the money." He was stuttering while saying that and looked down to avoid Chaeyoung's angry gaze.

"Lucas what the hell?! Im the older sister, I am supposed to be the one taking care of you- to be the one taking care of us while you try to get your education. I am the one ruining my own life, not you!" She angrily said while trying not to tell.

"I just wanted to help, is it really that wrong of me to do?" It seemed like he was on the verge of crying from the way his voice was trembling.

"We are going home, don't talk back you've already done enough. Go change and wait for me at the bar, I have to talk to someone" She turned around and went straight into her boss's office. She was furious but tried to hide it, which was going pretty well in her opinion. She slammed open her boss's office door and walked over to his desk.

"Bambam, why the hell is my brother working here?" She tried to say it as calmly as she possibly could trying to not show any hint of anger in her voice.

"The hell you mean your brother, he is sixteen, everybody here is over eighteen." He replied while sounding confused.

"Oh so that fucker lied about his age, great. Anyways the person that started working here today, Wong Yukhei, he is not working here anymore, okay?" She said and was about to walk out. "Also check the documents next time."

She walked out and quickly went backstage, grabbing her coat and immediately rushing towards the bar.

"Get up, now!" She said and started walking away.

"Okay noona."

"Don't "noona" me right now." They left the club and started walking towards the neighbourhood they lived in. The streets gradually became more poor looking and dirty. Soon they had reached the small flat that I lived in, Roseanne unlocked the door and walked in together with Lucas.

"Don't you ever try to pull something like that again, do you understand?" She said while still looking furious at him.

"Yes..." He whispered under his breath and walked towards their room to go to sleep.

Chaeyoung grabbed her head in frustration and got angry at herself. She thought for a few moments before pulling out her phone that was in a horrible conditions and looked like it would fall apart at any moment. She thought for a few seconds before typing in the message.




Ummm, so I was wondering
if I could take my brother
with me?

I mean, sure I guess
But isnt he 16 or something?
I mean its none of of my
business, just curious

Well yeah.
But he just pulled some
strings today i dont want
to leave him alone, dont
want him to do anything
stupid again.

Oh, ok
And about today, i will take
the contract with me, so you
and read it and decide if you
can do all of that



She put the phone down and walked into the bathroom so she could change into her pajamas. She quickly changed and went into the bedroom, quickly getting under the cover since it was really cold in there.

She checked if Lucas was already sleeping, he wasn't so she decided to talk to him for a little bit. "We can sleep until 11:00 am tomorrow, there's no need to rush you're staying home."

"Why are we staying home?"

"I need to go out with somebody, and after the stunt that you pulled today I can't leave you alone. So you are coming with me to meet this person." She said and after that Lucas didn't reply, so she just assumed that he fell asleep. And soon after her eyes got heavy and she fell into dreamland.

to the people who vote, I love you<3

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