Not a chapter. I need help

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I am in trouble. I have exams next week, and the week after that. My English teacher assigned me at 11:30 p.m. six assignments due the Tuesday after I have a big exam. I'll be studying for said exam all through the weekend. and then, now very sleep deprived after having a migraine last night sleeping through my alarm, crying the entire morning, breaking my mirror, breaking my laptop charger, and I'm now very stressed I would have to get these assignments in. Not to mention I am an omnivore and enjoy meat and vegetables alike. my teacher, is a vegan and is trying to push vegan ways onto our entire class by giving us vegan assignments. So now that is just annoying more. So in the long run I do not think I will be posting in the next 2 weeks. If you guys give me suggestions about literally anything that you want in future chapters to come cuz that currently I only have one thing planned and I think I need to get back to Akaashi (haven't seen out bby in a while). but with just your guys's help with sending me motivation through chapters ideas I think I could probably get through this week. I really do love all of you guys, your love and support of this is the only thing keeping me from discontinueing it.

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