Chapter 16

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Nekoma (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

The ring of a cell phone woke kuroo up that morning. "Hey Kenma. Whats up?" He says, his voice laced with sleep. Nothing could be heard on the other end, except heavy breathing. He immediately jumps out of bed and pulls a shirt on, never once hanging up on him. He's helped Kenma through many panic attacks. 

They agreed that no matter what time of day, if he called even at the buttcrack of dawn, Kuroo would answer. Running out of his house, he runs as fast as his legs can move to the house two doors down. He goes to the garden and lifts up a rock, grabbing the spare key before rushing to unlock the door.

Running up the stairs two at a time, he stops at the door he's been through so many times. Every time he would come get Kenma to play volleyball, every time he played video games in there, and every time he went in there to hold Kenma as he cried and gasped for air, muttering messages of pleas, hoping someone could take the pain away. He reaches to open the door but is stopped, when the door handle won't budge. 

He tries and tries, each time the amount of force increases. "Kenma! Open the door, please, I can't help if you won't let me through!" His antics go unanswered as the gasps of mental agony become quicker, as the cries and sobs become louder, and even more painful to listen to.

"Fuck it" he whispers, breaking all rationality as a particularly loud sob is heard. He backs up, preparing himself for impact, rushing forward he slightly turns his body so his shoulder collides with the door. The door has still yet to move. He growls under his breath, before preparing to run at the door again. He collides with the door again he's met with a loud bang, and a stumble. When he opens his eyes from the squint, he finds the door in front of him, but on the floor, ripped off its hinges. 

Frantically looking around the room he sees a little lump at the end of Kenma's bed, covered in blanket head to toe. With a heavy yet quick rise and fall, it doesn't take much to know it's Kenma. He quickly walks over to the boy, ignoring the pain in his shoulder, he gently puts his hand on Kenma's back, the crying hitches again before intensifying once more.

"Shit." he whispers under his breath. "Hey bud, tell me Lev's worst quality." He says, keeping a monotone voice. It takes a couple seconds before he answers. "H- He su-sucks at v-volleyb-ball." He chokes out. Kuroo laughs a hearty laugh, passing off the voice change to sleep deprivation and panic. Rubbing circles on Kenma's back, he continues. "Okay, why does he suck?" He questions. "H-His rec-eives are a-absolute tr-trash. He C-can't block to s-save his lif-fe. And he c-can't hit a spike even if t-the ball was frozen in t-the air." As Kenma's sentences get less laboured, Kuroo lets out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. He continues to rub circles on Kenma's back, until he's sure that he's ok. "Why don't you take the blanket off now? It might help cool you down." Just as his hand reaches the edge of the blanket, Kenma jerks in the opposite direction. "Wait! Just- wait... promise you won't freak out?" He furrows his brow, then gives a hum of agreement.

Everything seems to move in slow motion. Kuroo's met with a girl with long blonde hair, roots growing in, and a petite frame. Kenma always had a more feminine stature, but it was only amplified now, waist smaller, chest bigger. Long story short, he- or she, was gorgeous. He quickly gets off the bed, eyes glued to the girl, his mouth starts moving, but nothing comes out. She quickly gets off the bed and walks up to him. And h- she's even shorter now. The boy who once stood at 5'6, was now looking up at him, an adorable girl, standing at 5'3. "Kenma?" He says carefully. "What happened?" She looks down at her hands. "I don't know. But what I need you to do right now is call or text Lev and Yaku, like right now." She looks back up at him, and grabs his hand, dragging him to her bed. "Huh? Why? What's wrong with them?" His face looks like that meme with question marks.

"I really can't be too certain but, I believe this has something to do with the meteor shower last night, and since we were the only ones left..." She trails off, trusting Kuroo to figure it out for his own. He immediately pulls out his phone and calls Lev. " Hello?" came a gruff voice. Of course he's just waking up. "Lev, I need you to go to the bathroom, and look in the mirror" You could just hear the confusion coming from Lev. But he reluctantly gets up. A few seconds later there's a very audible gasp. "Lev? What's wrong? is there anything different?" Question after question is fired. " YES. Of course something's bedhead is a nightmare. Heh, I almost look like you Kuroo-san. " Kuroo sighs before hanging up on the first year. "Welp, nothing's wrong with Lev," He hesitated on Yaku's name, before pressing the call. When he hears the line pick up he awaits the hello. He almost hangs up when no one answers, until he hears a quiet " Hello." Okay something was definitely wrong. "Yaku? Is Everything alright?" He knows the answer to the question but he doesn't want to believe it. " ...No" He can hear the sniffles begin. "Yaku.. stay there. I'm picking you up. And don't try to wiggle your way out of this. I know what's wrong, and Kenma is going through the same thing." There's a quiet okay, before the line goes dead. He turns to Kenma. "You were right."

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