Chapter 3

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“Okay so i think i got this down, i wrap my chest up in badges and wear bigger sweaters, and put my hair in a wig cap, then put a beanie over top of it. So that gets rid of those problems but I'm still like half a foot shorter and I have no idea how I'm supposed to fix that” she says to herself, deciding it best to just go by female pronouns. She plops back down on her bed when she feels something wired down in the nether region. She's been trying her best to avoid that factor right now, but she gets a feeling she might wanna check this out. Once in the bathroom she pulls her pyjama pants down and sits on the toilet. Finally looking at her pants she’s petrified by what she sees, the underwear are covered in blood, she’s paid enough attention to health class to know what this is, just not enough to know what to do. With shaky hands she grabs her phone off the counters and searches up on what to do without the right supplies. Finding it best to just fold up toilet paper, then she’ll run to the store and pick something up.

Running out of the house almost forgetting her keys to the house she runs, but still feels like she forgot something, in too much of a hurry she leaves anyway.

‘Alright what the heck does it mean by wings? Oh well I’ll grab them’ she thinks and fast walks to the front counter, only remember what she forgot when she catches a glimpse of herself in a window “shit” she whispers under her breath, she forgot to cover up, her hair laying loosely over her shoulders and her chest and curves completely noticeable in her mother's pyjamas (which she borrowed after finding out none of hers fit her) “everything alright ma’am?” the cashier questions in concern, “oh uh yeah, I’m fine, thank you” she says grabbing her paid for items and quickly stuffing them in her bag.

“Haha, did you see that he was so dead the moment he arrived” Suga stops in her spot ‘ I recognize that voice, she slowly looks up and sure enough, Daichi, with Michimiya?’

As there getting closer she puts her head down and hope they don’t recognize her, when the conversation seems to fade away she looks up, figuring that they already passed, but when she looks up she’s meat with those chocolate brown eyes, the ones she fell so deeply in love with, the ones that used to bring her comfort, but at the moment only strike her with fear.

“Suga?” he questions, as if not believing his eyes, “u-uh y-yeah” she stutters out breathlessly, ‘why did I say that?! I could have denied that and been on my way!’ she thinks to herself

“What, um how did this happen” he says motioning towards her current dilemma

“I’m not entirely sure, I think it might have something to do with the meteor shower, but I haven't been too preoccupied with how, but mostly with the effect of actually being a girl” she laughs softly “oh dear” Michimiya says, startling suga, only now realizing her presence “what?” Daichi says confused, suga shares a glance with her as if silently saying ‘ please don’t tell him’ Michimiya smiles and nods slightly, as to not alert Daichi

“So what are you two doing out here?” suga asks inquisitive “oh, we’re on our way back from the movies” Michimiya replies. Suga’s heart had dropped the moment she said those words “o-oh um could I talk with Daichi for a moment please?” suga asks quietly looking down at the ground, Michimiya nods “ yeah i'll just be inside”

There’s an awkward silence between the two before Daichi tries to break it “so what di-” suga cuts him off before he could finish “You went with Michimya?!” suga yells furiously, whipping her head looking up at Daichi

“Well yeah she said she didn't have anything going on, and I didn’t want to waste the ticket since you were trying to hide this from me” Daichi explains, suga looks at him with an exasperated look on her face “oh? So now this is my fault, it’s my fault that this happened to me? It’s my fault I was terrified you were going to judge me?” with each question fired, she took a step forward, backing Daichi up a little,

“suga you know I didn’t mean it like that. I don’t even see what the big deal is, you and I are friends, but I really like michimiya, I wanted to ask her out, but I was scared, so now I had an excuse with the extra ticket” Daichi says as if it meant nothing,"oh? so now my problems are excuses, great to know I'm replaceable at the drop of a hat" she says crossing her arms " why are you so bent out of shape over this?" Suga stares at him with tears in her eyes, a piece of hair falling in front of her face. She turns around and starts to walk away before stopping

“you’re right, I shouldn’t be angry, it’s not your fault I saw something in you, that you didn’t see in me” she says sadly, walking away, Daichi calling for her to come back , and what she meant by it.

She run back into the store and into the girl’s bathroom, running past un unsuspecting michimya

Sobbing in the girls bathroom, Suga grabs a tissue packet out of her bag, when suddenly the door opens, and in comes michimiya. “Hey Suga, what's wrong?” She questions inquisitively, not being able to bring herself to hate michimiya. She keeps the truth at bay “oh, um, nothing, just having problems with a crush of mine. They don’t like me, and they’ve made that clear as day. They’re going out with someone else” michimiya looks at her with pity and rubs her back “oh, honey.” she continues comforting the sobbing girl

“it’ll get better. I promise, maybe he will have a change of heart?” michimya says in a soft voice. Suga whips her head around and looks absolutely modified “h-how did you know it was a he?” she gives Suga a knowing look “I see the way you look at Daichi” she says with a small smile, “you don't hate me?” suga questions carefully “oh sweetheart, why would I hate you?” suga looks down, turns and hops up on the bathroom counter. “Don’t you like him? Isn’t that why you went to the movies with him?” she asks, still not looking up, michimiya laughs, but quickly stops seeing the look on Suga’s face “I like him as a friend Suga” she looks around and slowly leans in “I’m gay” she says in a whisper, suga immediately looks up at her in shock “so you don’t like him” her spirit and hope lifting drastically before falling back down again “but he still likes you, i can’t ask him to forget his feelings for you just like that. Plus he’ll never see me any different from his best friend, who might i mention was once male”

Michimya looks deep in thought before speaking up again “maybe you still have a chance i mean you said it yourself, sort of, you’re not male anymore, you’re a gorgeous girl with amazing curves” she say optimistically, making suga blush from the compliments.”but i don’t want him to like me only for my looks, i want him to like me for me, i mean yeah i have a better chance now, but it wouldn’t feel the same if everything about me, including the way i act, had to change just for him to maybe like me” suga deflates even further, with more tears seeping out of her eyes. “Suga, look at me” michimya says sternly “you were an insanely attractive guy, and thats coming from a lesbian, trust me Daichi is straight but, i had caught him checking you out on numerous occasions, and now, you’re a gorgeous girl, as i state before, and i myself have checked you out, not to creep you out but there isn’t a moment where Daichi isn’t looking at you with star eyes, even before you were a girl. So trust me, he would not only like you for your appearance. But you two need to talk this out, or my ship will never sail” suga is now as red as a tomato but gets down anyway and hugs michimiya, and runs out the door to find Daichi, still wiping her tears hoping there won't be a trace of them when she finds him, because he seemingly isn't by the door anymore.

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