Chapter 22

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Paper. Paper. And more paper. She just couldn't catch a break, the school just keeps giving her more paper work, maybe she's just been more distracted, with Bokuto being way over protective, and her helping out the managers, considering they're the only other girls on the team, also the fact that she's still planning the get together for the girls . But she just seams to buried up to her neck in paperwork, she had an essay in English about past tense verbs, and about 9 pages of textbook work for Math. Don't even get her started on science and social studies.

She's broken out of her trance when her phone starts vibrating. She glances at the caller ID, deciding he was important enough to ditch work for a minute, "Hello?" she may have taken a break, but she's still glancing down at her page, analyzing. "Akaashi! Do you want to come to the arcade! Oh! Or maybe we can go see Pudding-chan and Kuroo!" she sighs, very much contemplating going. "You know she hates it when you call her that, and no I don't think I can." she can just see him going into emo mode, his hair defying gravity and drooping. "Awww, whyyyyy" geez he really is a big kid. "I'm buried up to my neck with school work, I don't think I'll even be able to leave my room except for school for the remainder of today and Friday, possibly even the weekend." Theres a moment of silence, before she hears dramatic gasp. Typical. "What if I helped you! I've done that work before, I can bring the work sheets and I can help you study them!" huh, that really wasn't a bad idea, except for the fact that she blushes every time she looks him in the eye, or at his muscled arms, or his abs, which he insist on wearing tight fitting shirts. or literally anywhere on his body "Y-Yeah, that'd be good" theres an excited cheer on the other end before the line goes dead. She's already dreading this.

He arrives shortly after, quite impressive actually. Strong arms wrap around her and ingulf her in a hug. A startled squeak escapes, 'great, I'm already a blushing mess' he sets her down, smiling brightly down at her, and she's gotta admit, she doesn't really mind being 6 inches shorter than him at the moment, she hasn't actually been that bothered by this actually, sure the periods suck, and the attention from boys is kinda creepy, but it's been kinda fun, there was a lot of things she wasn't too sure about, like clothes, she thought when this initially happened, she'd feel so out of place with 'girly' clothes on, but most of them are surprisingly comfortable, and she likes the way it looks. She won't admit it, but there is a part of her brain whispering quietly, I don't really wanna go back.

"Okay so what do you need help with?" this is the calmest he's been in a while, she kind of likes it. Don't get her wrong, she just adores Bokuto's cheerful side, but he's so peaceful and calming to be around when he's like this, and she can't help but hope she's the only other person to have seen him like this. "Math, English, Science, and Social Studies." he hums a little, organizing the papers on the bed, into separate piles for different subjects. "What do you want to start with first?" he clasps his hands together in front of him, grinning slightly. "Let's start with Math to get things over with"

After a while they had opted to take a break and just lay down, listening to some music in the background. "Akaashi?" she can't believe he's been this calm for such a long period of time. She gives him a hum, not opening her eyes "I really like being around you" her breath hitches slightly, not noticeable enough for him to notice. "If I'm being honest Bokuto-san, I like being around you too" she glances over at him, a small happy smile playing at his lips. She slightly moves closer to him, he turns on his side, wrapping an arm protectively around her waist, bringing her close to his chest. She's surprised and stiff at first, but as she breathes in the soft scent of his cologne, her body melts. Burying her head underneath his chin. "I was worried that I was getting a little too annoying for you." the rumble of his voice, making her even more tired. "You don't annoy me Bokuto. I quite enjoy it when you're so cheerful. But I also like it like this, when we're both silent, just with each other" he pulls her impossibly closer. He laughs a little. "Ok, I'll remember to be cheerful for you. But I'll remember, that you like it like this too" she wouldn't admit it, but the butterflies in her stomach melted into a warm feeling in her chest, she's glad she has him around.

They stay like that for a while, but begrudgingly get up when Akaashi hears her parents in the drive way. She just knows they would ground her if they caught her like that with a boy. When she had come to them and told them what happened and that she was a girl, they tried not to show it, but she could see the excitement in their eyes. She knew they had wanted a girl, they loved her no matter what, but they were determined to spoil her like a princess while they could, mostly cause they weren't sure if this would be permanent. But with that also came the new rules. No boys in your room with closed doors. Don't get pregnant, ext. It was quite the embarrassing talk actually, having to sit with both your parents looking at you as they explain she can't come home pregnant.

"Keiji! Honey we're home!" her mother yells, theres a pause, before she hears footsteps coming up the stairs. 'Here it comes' when her mother turns the corner, just the look she's giving, you could tell she wasn't too pleased. "What did I say about boys in your room" she lights up as red as a fire hydrant. "M-Mom! Well you said with the door closed, and my door isn't closed. Plus, you know him!" her mother glances at Bokuto, a surprised face lighting up her features, seriously? "Oh! Bokuto, sweety I didn't see you there! I just saw the shoes" she gushes over him ruffing up his hair. Jesus woman you can be stubborn, kinda glad I ended up like Dad.

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