Chapter 1

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Warning! This story is very cringy. I was 14 when I initially wrote it and I still grimace everytime it comes to mind


The volleyball dorks are just finishing up practice when Daichi yells "meat buns on me!" the whole volleyball team roars in excitement. they walk out of them gym in pairs, Kageyama and Hinata in front, then followed by Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, right behind them are the second years, Narita walking with Kinoshita, and tanaka walking with Ennoshita, behind them is Asahi trying to comprehend what the heck Noya is saying, and finally our mom and dad, except they aren't walking exactly with each other, Daichi is walking ahead of Suga, without really noticing. Suga's head is pointed slightly more towards the ground with his eyes not that far off, whenever he's around Daichi he always seems to get quieter, which isn't much considering suga isn't loud to begin with maybe that's why no one ever notice's. when the team reach Ukai's store, Daichi goes in alone, and comes back out not to long after, holding a couple bags filled with 12 meat buns, handing them out to the third years then seconds then firsts. everyone is quietly eating their meant buns making small jokes and laughter when hinata gasps and points to the sky "it's a meteor shower!" everyone turns their heads to look at the marvellous sight. suga turns to Daichi and quietly says "i didn't know there was supposed to be one, nothing on the news said anything about a shower" Daichi looked back and shrugged "i don't know, maybe it was just sudden" suga turns back to look at the falling stars "maybe" he says under his breath. after the meteor shower everyone said goodbye and went home, and a few of them with weird feeling in their stomachs, passing it off as a bad meat bun.

Aoba Johsai-

Oikawa decided to stay behind after his team mates left, so he could work on his serving and setting, but he couldn't really successfully practice setting without someone to set for him so he begged Iwa-chan to stay back with him, but Hanamaki and Matsun weren't going to be left out of watching Iwaizumi yell at Oikawa some more. Iwaizumi hadn't just let them sit around so they were forced to practice as well. They've been practicing for about half an hour now when Iwaizumi declared it was time to pack up and go home. "But Iwa-chan" Oikawa whined "i still haven't gotten this down yet" Iwaizumi turns around and glares at him "i let you stay behind an hour and a half yesterday, you're going home" he turns around and walks away not leaving any room for argument. With Matsun and Makki giggling in the background, oikawa pouts and starts to clean up. as they're walking out the gym oikawa looks up and says" oo look guys, it's a meteor shower" they all silently watch the sky in amazement, and turn their separate ways, two of them walking home with weird feelings in their stomach.

Nekoma( nekoma nekoma neko neko nekoma)

Kuroo decided to keep Lev behind to work on spikes and receiving, so he asked Yaku and Kenma to stay behind to help, Yaku staying behind without a complaint, cause it gave him more time to yell at lev, Kenma coming along quite a bit harder than yaku, mostly cause he didn't want to deal with Lev anymore than he had to, but still complying only cause he usually walks with Kuroo and didn't want to walk alone. after many shouts at Lev from Yaku and many many sighs coming from Kenma they finally started packing up, on their way home, a mentally exhausted Kenma, and a physically exhausted Lev were looking up at the sky when lev spotted a falling star, and many following suite, they all watched tiredly with amazement written on all their faces. two of them with strange feelings in their stomachs.


as it goes every day, Akaashi stayed behind to help, Bokuto practice, he wasn't one to complain much, so it wasn't much of a problem, though he does often wonder where he gets all this energy. once Akaashi felt they had practiced long enough, him and Bokuto packed up the gym and went on their way home. about halfway to their neighbourhood bokuto looked up and his jaw dropped "Look akaashi!" he yelled excitedly "wow Bokuto-san" akaashi said with little to none emotion, but silently gawking at the stars. one of them fell asleep feeling something weird in his stomach.

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